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3 yrs or 4? then apply

Guest terencemenezes

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Guest terencemenezes

i am going into 3rd yr at uwo in a 4yr bachelor of medical science program

i need some advice

is it better for me to complete my degree then apply for dental school or try for it this yr

how many of you applied before completing your undergrad and after

i have seen some statistics and noticed the chances are pretty slim if you apply after 3rd yr

my avg is around 80% - doin my dats in november

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Guest Dent08

I don't know of any dental school in Canada that reserves seats for people with degrees. Usually everyone who has the pre-reqs are looked at equally.


Apply asap, and if you're accepted to dent school before you finish your degree, then you will have time to decide if you want to bother completing you degree or not.


Make sure you work your ass of in 3rd and fourth year of your degree. Several schools will calculate your gpa from your last 2 years work if you have completed 4 years.

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Guest westernboi

I am also going into 3rd year at western to pursue honours degree in medical sciences!

I've applied to Western dental school in 2nd year and the admission process was done on basis of my first year mark, 4.0. I was invited for an interview, but after all I was turned down since my 2nd year avg was brought down dramatically by org chem and genetics, ended up with high 70s. Anyhow, I am planning to work my a$$ for the next two years and reapply with an honours degree.


Seeing that you have around 80% avg, I am afraid it may not be competitive enough for you to apply in third year (assuming that there's not much difference in 1st and 2nd yr avgs) So the bottom line is you might have better chance if you apply when you are in 4th year.


According to the official statistics, Western dental school prefers applicants with honours degrees and only a few got in without undergraduate degrees in class of 2008. Just a friendly advice for you, if you are in specialization medical sciences program, upgrade it to honours in case you want to pursue graduate studies.

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Guest terencemenezes

thanks for the advice

im going to apply to a few schools in canada and see what happens - hopefully i can get my grades high enough to stand a chance

could you tell me which schools you applied to and what were specific courses you had to take for each - for example i know UBC needs the applicant to have taken a full year englsh course which i havent got.

are you planning on applying this year too or next year only.

b.t.w. - i am in honours specialization


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When I was in 2nd year, I visited the websites for all the dental schools in Canada. I made a chart listing all the entrance requirements I did not have.


Then I planned my 3rd year schedule around meeting as many missing requirements as I could.


Then I applied to all the schools I could, got in, and never bothered finishing a degree I didn't really care about anyway.


Hope that helps you get things going.

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