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Requesting a CARMS interview after getting rejected


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I have anecdotally heard of people that didn't initially get an interview emailing programs to ask for one, and sometimes being successful in this. Specifically, this was for IM, but I'm unsure if this is also something that people do for other specialities.

I was lucky enough to get interviews at 5/6 of my top choice schools for my speciality, which is within the top 5 for first-choice match rate. These were also the only interviews I got out of 10 applications - but I didn't get an interview at my top choice school. 

I was hoping someone might be able to weigh in on:

1) Is it worthwhile to email this program to ask for an interview? I don't mind the hit to my pride - I'm just concerned that somehow this could trickle down into hurting me at the schools I did get interviews at (especially if the answer is gonna be no anyway).

2) Sure some people get interviews this way - but does anyone know of someone who actually matched to the program if they had to basically beg just to get an interview?

I know 5 interviews is good, and I shouldn't be greedy. The only thing is, I'm tied to my top choice by my family/partner (which I did mention in my personal letter, but I guess it didn't make a difference). Also, I didn't actually backup with anything because I went into the match with the incorrect assumption that most people get interviews at the majority of programs they apply to. Now, I'm a little concerned about the prospect of going unmatched. CARMS also doesn't release detailed interview data like NRMP, so I have no idea how good my chances are based on the number of interviews I got.

Would greatly appreciate any insight.

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18 hours ago, zxcccxz said:

I know 5 interviews is good, and I shouldn't be greedy. The only thing is, I'm tied to my top choice by my family/partner (which I did mention in my personal letter, but I guess it didn't make a difference). Also, I didn't actually backup with anything because I went into the match with the incorrect assumption that most people get interviews at the majority of programs they apply to. Now, I'm a little concerned about the prospect of going unmatched. CARMS also doesn't release detailed interview data like NRMP, so I have no idea how good my chances are based on the number of interviews I got.

As others have mentioned in several recent threads, there is some anecdotal evidence of email and being offered an interview (and I'm some cases matching), but I would be hesitant to say that would be common, especially for large specialties like IM that interview many candidates. 50% is a good interview rate and 5 interviews should be more then enough to match. I know many people who didn't interview at their top IM program, dating back to my match year, who still matched and were very happy. I don't think you should worry about going unmatched this year. Focus on preparing for interviews at this point.

This however, should be a reminder and tale of caution for everyone going forward that this is medicine and you being "tied to your top choice by your partner" is an artificial situation created by yourself. Schools don't ultimately care about your personal relationships when making their rank list and you need to have this conversation with your partner ahead of time that moving or being apart for residency is a very very realistic possibility when going through the match. This makes it very important to back up with another specialty if your preference is to stay in a single location. Every year this happens and people are still shocked, even though CaRMS seems to get more and more competitive every year across all specialties somehow.

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