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Chronological Order of Ottawa Sketch

Guest pinkbonkers

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Guest pinkbonkers


I noticed that OMSAS automatically orders your 48-list sketch in chronological order. However, when I go to work on my Ottawa sketch, all the activities are out of order! Does this matter? How do I fix it?


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Guest everyoneloveschem

Don't worry about it. The site automatically orders it. It will order everyones the same. It did not hinder me getting an interview last year (and everyone is in the same boat, so why would it?). I'm not sure why they haven't realized it and gotten rid of that sentence in the Ottawa section.

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Guest spidey077

I noticed the same thing after I had entered all my items on the sketch...luckily this was a couple of weeks ago. It seems the sketch itself will be organized by date, no matter how you enter the items, however when you move on to the Ottawa detailed sketch, they come up in the order you entered them. Problem is, you may not necessarily have entered them in chronological order starting with the most recent. Since there was no way to change the order, and the Ottawa instructions stated that they must be "listed in chronological order starting with the most recent", I opted to re-enter all my stuff in the sketch so that they would be in the right order when i moved on to Ottawa.


Not suggesting that all you guys should do the same, but just offering my solution. I personally just didn't want to give them an easy way to reject my application over something trivial (not saying that they would reject it...but you never know). It was definately a royal pain to go back and redo everything.

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