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Ottawa Detailed Autobio

Guest silverjelly86

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Guest silverjelly86

For the detailed autobiographical sketch under "Volunteer Activities," it says to say how many years and where the location of the volunteering took place. Why would you have to put for how many years you did the activity when it's already in the general OMSAS Sketch (from the start and end dates, shouldn't they be able to tell how many years the activity took place?). Help!


Also, how do you feel about putting activities that you know/are pretty sure you'll be doing in, say, the next month or so? Is that kind of cheating, since you haven't actually done the activity, yet, or is that okay?

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Guest blinknoodle

I don't know what the official OMSAS document suggests, but my advice would be first, to make sure you are truthful. If your activity will start Dec 2005, then use that as the starting date.


However, also realize that everything on your sketch could be fair game for questions at certain schools (including Ottawa)... so if you are not 100% positive you will be doing an activity, I wouldn't put it down. Imagine being at an interview, "I see you were volunteering with children at CNIB, can you tell me about that?" "Uh, actually, I decided not to volunteer there."


Personally, I don't think you could 100% positive you will be doing an activity until you actually start, so I wouldn't include anything dated in the future. Who knows, there may be another SARS crisis and volunteers aren't allowed into the hospital, or whatnot. It is best to be truthful at this stage in the application. You can ALWAYS talk about it at your interview even if it isn't in your sketch.


As well, if Ottawa asks for the number of years you did an activity in the detailed sketch, then I would give it to them. Sometimes the start and end dates aren't very descriptive. Did you volunteer for 5 years in the summer, during the school year, both? etc etc


Hope this helps.

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