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UT Med Intramural

Guest Kooman

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Guest Kooman

This is a question for all current med student right now who's doing intramural hockey. How much ice time do you guys get during the year? I'm contemplating about joining a community league but probably wouldn't if there are plenty of playing time from intramurals. Any info about it would be awesome.


As for the incoming 1T0 med, any goalies out there? :lol

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Guest scrubbed

Hey there,


I didn't play hockey this year, but had a couple of friends that did.


Assuming that you're male, meds has two men's hockey teams: one that plays in division 2 and the other that plays in division 4. It is free of charge, I believe, payed for by the Medical Alumni Association, which is nice. You can only play for one of the two teams.


Hockey runs during the fall and winter terms, with a season consisting of five one hour games and potentially two playoff games. A sample schedule is here.


There was also a group that rented some ice from January-March for some informal hockey once a week.


I don't imagine that this would be enough for someone who really enjoys hockey. I was aware of one person who played in a rec league and another that played ball hockey.


Over and out.

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Guest geekpunk

Hmm.... yes, I'm debating bringing all my hockey gear (which reeks and hasn't been aerated (sp?) in about a year) to TO with me. I'm thinking I might just bring a stick and enjoy ball hockey...


..aww who the hell am I trying to fool? I'm bringin' all my gear and will try to represent it for all Maritimers :P Speaking of which, it seems there's enough of us East-Coasters in 1T0 to maybe even have our own team :lol

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Guest scrubbed

Hello cedar,


There isn't a specific meds women's hockey team; however, I believe that some people played on the OT/PT (occupational therapy and physical therapy, which are a part of the medicine department) team. Taking a look at the intramurals website, it appears that this team played in division 2.

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