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Time off in 2nd Year - U of T Meds

Guest leafs123

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Guest leafs123

Hey guys,


Do U of T students get time off in second year? Somewhere I read that they get three afternoon's off for the entire second year. Can somebody confirm this. Thanks.



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Guest Ollie



Here's a rough schedule for 2nd year:



MWF: 8AM-noon (or a little later if you have PBL at Sunnybrook)

TTh: 8AM-3 or 4 PM



One day per week (either MWF, whatever day you don't have PBL): 8AM-11AM

PBL days (two of MWF): varies depending on your PBL schedule. Lecture 8AM-11AM, then you have 2 hours of PBL at some point that day.

Tuesdays: 9AM-11AM. The afternoon is designated time for working on research project for DOCH course. But you don't have to use it for that since it's independantly scheduled. In the last month of school are project presentations that everyone has to attend on Tuesday PM.

Thursdays: 8AM-3PM


So basically it's 3 afternoons off from Sept-Dec and two off from Jan-May

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