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What to buy/prepare for the start of classes

Guest TorontoDoc

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Guest TorontoDoc

I will be starting UofT med school in the fall and I would like to buy a laptop. Are there any specific features the laptop should have for UofT meds?

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Hi there,


You don't need any specific features for your laptop for class. You don't need a laptop for class either because all the notes are provided. However, there are some programs that they recommend we download and they don't work with Macs...so that might be something you may want to consider.


As for other items to purchase - don't buy anything for now!


- dissection kit - you will get a chance to order that later, when they send out info about O-week (at least that's what they did last yr)


- anatomy books, etc. - you will get info about recommended books from the lecturer; also upper years will have a sale of their used books at the beginning of the year


- med equipment - there will be an equipment sale at the beginning of the year



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Guest nucleardove

Ditto above re: laptop.


The meds classrooms are so non-tech oriented it's ridiculous. Though many of your profs will have discovered powerpoint, others will put up random, hand-drawn overheads combo'd with an honest-to-goodness slide projector. I would say maybe 2-3 people in our class of 200+ use a laptop in class (and then they're likely surfing the net). Very seldom will you ever need word processing for assignments. Naturally, however, it's nice to lotsa internet access. :)


My 2 cents. :)

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