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Process following the interview

Guest MrNeuroscience

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Guest MrNeuroscience

Now that all of the interviews are done, and the rest of our applications have been "scored" what happens? Are the interviews ranked by the interviewers, are they scored, are they given a good bad or so so?


I've also heard a few different thoughts on the weighting scheme following the interview, so can anyone clairify that for me?


I had my interview this past weekend, and fell in love with the school and the program! So any clairification would help me out a lot.




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Guest MrNeuroscience

I wouldn't say bearable, but since there are things that I don't know/understand about the process from here on, I would like to be more of an "informed consumer" and know what is happening with my application during the next 5 weeks...


Good Luck

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I don't have any specific knowledge about the process, but, attempting to parse things together, based on this post (unofficial information one year out-of-date), each applicant may have a defined score before the interview. As the interview component is worth 20%, perhaps the score is just scaled back appropriately.


As for interview scoring, it may suggest that someone with a higher score pre-interview may have a little leeway with their interview, though admissions does state that the applicant does need to be accpetable in all parts of the process, so if your interview is unacceptable for whatever reason, your application might not be considered further.


Of course, the big variable is the range of interview scores: whether there are large differences between one applicant and another, which may affect things drastically, or a small difference, which wouldn't affect things as much. That, I don't know about. I suppose it might depend on the applicants that are interviewed by a given team and whether the interview team thinks that there are large difference between the applicants or whether they are all fairly good and it is difficult to distinguish between them: not all interview applicant groups interviewed by a given team are the same.


At the end of the day, you can just hope that your interview went well and hope for the best, as I'm sure taht you are doing. Though not completely bright, I hope I made things a bit less dim.


Good luck!

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