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OT/PT Accepted / Waitlisted/ Rejected - 2024 Cycle

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Applied: Mac PT

Accepted: Mac PT

Waitlisted: N/A

Rejected: N/A

sGPA: 3.89

Experiences/Strengths: Truthfully, I felt awful about how the Kira Talent interview went and felt like I rambled on and didn't fully answer the questions. I prepared for over a week for this interview and I'm glad to see that it paid off, no matter how bad I thought it went.

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1 hour ago, growingup said:

Applied + (PT or OT?): OT Queens, Western, McMasters
Accepted: None
Waitlisted: None
Rejected: All (never received McMasters kira interview, rejection from western at 6:33 am EST, rejection from Queens 9:17 am EST)
GPA: 3.7 c-gpa and 3.7 s-gpa
CASPer Quartile: 4th
Perceived strength of essays/interviews/references

I thought my applications were good. I included my experiences volunteering with children with learning disabilities,  working in optometry clinic, personal experiences living with someone with a disability (dad is blind/low vision), and some research experience designing a health promotion program with my uni. One of my references was a prof, and the other was one of the doctors that I worked with at my clinic. I also made sure to include that I had met with a few OTs (shadowing) to understand the profession in both my queens and western application. If anyone has any tips on what I should improve on for applying next year let me know (i think I will look into direct OT volunteer experience). As my GPA isn't the highest, i believe that may have been a limiting factor too!

I had very similar stats to you and was also rejected from all (didn’t get any interviews). I reached out to UBC and McMaster and they said since most applicants have relevant experience, they tend to focus heavily on GPA. I’m not sure about the Ontario schools, but the minimum GPA for an interview at UBC this year was 86%. So I will be taking upper level courses in an attempt to raise my GPA for a better chance next year. Best of luck to you next year too! 

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Applied (all PT): Queens, Western, MacMaster, UofT

Accepted: Queens, Western

Waitlisted: MacMaster

Rejected: UofT (didn’t get interview invite)

GPA: 3.89 c-gpa and 3.93 s-gpa

CASPer Quartile: 2nd (oops)

Perceived strength of essays/interviews/references:

I believe my essays and references were the strongest components of my application. I also worked hard to maintain a competitive GPA. Unfortunately, I did not interview well (Casper + Kira Talent were humbling lol). My one reference was a prof I worked closely with during a 10-month research practicum (could speak to academics, work ethic, and range of experience), and the other was my employer at a centre providing pediatric and rehabilitation services for children with disabilities/special needs where I work and volunteer in therapeutic recreation (could vouch for qualifications, skills, and endeavours outside of academics).

My range of experiences definitely helped diversify my profile. Given that the scope of physiotherapy is so vast, I prioritized exploring a variety of settings and opportunities working with diverse client groups throughout my undergrad. I was a competitive athlete for 10 years and currently work as an NCCP-certified coach (5 years). I am entering my 3rd summer working at the pediatric facility I mentioned earlier and have worked 300 hours as a PTA performing direct patient care. I obtained 220+ hours of PT-related volunteer/shadowing experience, completed a research practicum, and did a student internship assisting with post-rehabilitation exercise programs for older adults with chronic respiratory, cardiac, and neurological conditions.  

I hope this can be of help to someone. This is my first admission cycle. I checked ORPAS first and saw the offer tabs at midnight. My Mac waitlist email came at 7:30 am EST. Wishing everyone the best of luck!! 

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Applied: OT at Mac & Western 

Accepted: Both!

Waitlisted: N/A

Rejected: N/A

sGPA: 3.91/4.0

Casper: 4th quartile 

Fairly positive I’m accepting Mac so that should hopefully open up a spot for someone here on the WL! Felt decent about Western essays and the Mac interview. Hope to see some of you at Mac OT in the fall!!!!

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1 minute ago, pt_di said:

Are you an out-of-provice applicant? I am from Alberta. 

I’m in province. I have a suspicion it is a rejection as it seems that those who have been waitlisted have already received their emails …

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Congrats on everyone's acceptances! :)

I was waitlisted at Mac (my second choice) and Dalhousie, but rejected everywhere else. 

Still hopeful to get off the waitlist, but sucks that it's another waiting game for the next few weeks...


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Applied: UBC, U of A, Queens, Western, Mac (All OT, in province BC) 2nd year applying! 

Accepted: UBC (first choice) 

Waitlisted: Queens

Rejected: U of A, Western (waitlisted last year with a 4th quartile score), Mac (not interviewed) 

GPA: sgpa: 3.62, cgpa:3.53, average for UBC 85%

Casper Score: 2nd quartile … lol 

To be honest, my stats are quite bad (gpa and Casper). However, I do feel like I have a very solid background in terms of working, research, and volunteer experience related to OT (if anyone wants more information, feel free to dm me). In my opinion, UBC gives out interviews based mostly on grades and once you get the interview, admission is based 100% on the interview. I hope my stats are able to give others some insight!!! 

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Applied + (PT or OT?): Queen’s OT
Accepted: Queen’s (12:01 am, EST) 
GPA: c-gpa and s-gpa: c-gpa was 3.78, s-gpa was 3.90 at time of application. 
CASPer Quartile: N/A for Queen’s OT
Perceived strength of essays/interviews/references: work and research experience in the realm of access and disability theory. 

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Applied: UofT, Queens, Western & Mac (All PT) 

Accepted: UofT & Queens 

Waitlisted: Western & Mac 

Rejected: N/A

sGPA: 3.92/4.0

Casper: 4th quartile 

I am so glad the wait is finally over!! I was surprised I got into UofT as I was overthinking how I did on the CAP after I wrote it. I think my personal statement for Queens was good as I have a diverse range of experiences that I drew from that are related to physio. My academic reference was a prof that I had during my fall term and it was a small class so they got to know me pretty well. My professional reference was a physiotherapist who I shadowed for ~1 year at a pediatric clinic. 

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1 hour ago, JRTpt said:

Did anyone get a waitlist position for Mac PT? I applied last year and was given an exact number on the waitlist for Mac but this year they didn't provide anything...

I was wondering the same thing for OT. Anyone know the odds you hear back/get off the wait list before June 7?

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Applied (OT): UofT and Queens
Accepted: UofT (Downtown)
Rejected: Queens
GPA: 3.49 c-gpa and 3.77 s-gpa
CASPer Quartile: 3rd

Perceived strength of essays/interviews/references:

My GPA was not the strongest but I have pretty decent experiences which I believe contributed to my acceptance at UofT. Lots of research; both independent projects and in research in labs, with about half these projects being directly related to disability/ OT, and one at a major rehab hospital. I also have a pretty decent amount of experience working with children (with and without disability) and families in various settings (both clinical and non-clinical), some of which I was directly supervising others or providing family centered care. My references were my thesis supervisor and my lab supervisor who were both UofT faculty, and both said they would write me strong letters. I worked with an OT mentor throughout my application process who reviewed my personal statement and provided me feedback, which I would highly recommend. Congratulations to everyone who has been accepted, and to those who are trying again next year I wish you the best and hope this information is helpful.

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Applied + (PT or OT?): UofT OT & PT, Mac OT &PT, Queens OT, Western OT
Accepted: UofT OT, UofT PT, Mac OT, Western OT
Waitlisted: Mac PT
Rejected: Queens OT
GPA: 3.91 sGPA
CASPer Quartile: 4th quartile
Perceived strength of essays/interviews/references:

I honestly felt like I bombed the Kira talent interviews, but the PT one coming first gave me a chance to practice for the OT one. I felt that I did well on the CAP, I’m way more confident with writing out answers than with speaking them. My references were from my prof & my supervisor from work. In my personal statements, I talked about a few volunteer experiences + connected my work experience and related to rehabilitation :))

I’m going to be accepting my UofT OT offer and rejecting the others - hopefully y’all who were waitlisted get offered a spot:)

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Got onto McMaster's OT waitlist. Wondering if anyone has had luck getting information on their position on the waitlist/knows anything about how the waitlist has moved in the past? This is my third time applying and I want it to be my last! 

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Applied: OT: Western & Queens,  PT: Western, Queens, Mac, UofT

Accepted: Western (OT & PT)

Waitlisted: UofT (PT) & Mac (OT)

Rejected: Queens (PT&OT), Mac (PT)

sGPA: 3.87/4.0

Casper: 4th quartile 


Not gonna lie, was pretty surprised to get an acceptance from Western but I think my personal submission might've been strong, as well as my references and casper score? A tad disappointed about the Mac PT rejection, as last year I got waitlisted with a 3.77, although I did feel worse about this years Kira. Thought the CAP went well, but I guess i'll never know if that's true since UofT traditionally doesn't reveal WL positions. Also shocked I got waitlisted for Mac OT since I didn't even bother to do the MMI interview? 

Honestly debating between going with Western PT & another career option/program I got into. I have 6 days to make my decision unfortunately so will be a bit of a stressful period for me.

Congrats to everyone else with their acceptances and good luck to those on waitlists! And for those who were rejected and planning to reapply, just know many of us have already been in your shoes and your time will surely come!

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29 minutes ago, OTpls said:

Got onto McMaster's OT waitlist. Wondering if anyone has had luck getting information on their position on the waitlist/knows anything about how the waitlist has moved in the past? This is my third time applying and I want it to be my last! 

If I remember correctly last year some applicants who called(?) early were given a rough position. However, a few days later an email was sent letting everyone know that they do not disclose waitlist positions because the list is fluid. It may still be worth calling/emailing to ask! 

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1 minute ago, PTplzzzzz said:

Can't find much about it online but anyone have info about the Western PT waitlist? What are the chances of getting in? (I was told I'm in the middle and my friend is in upper)

Hey how did you find out about where you are on the waitlist ? 

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Hi everyone! Congrats on your acceptances!

I'm from the SLP forum and will begin my program at the UofT in the fall. I am looking for a roommate and thought that it would be great to room together as we're all going to be in the same building. 

Feel free to PM me if you'd like to connect! 


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