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OT/PT Accepted / Waitlisted/ Rejected - 2024 Cycle

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Running thread of information sessions, changes for this years upcoming cycle, primarily for Ontario schools. Post will be updated as information is available!

Applications are now closed on ORPAS. Check the status of your application at:


OT Information Sessions:

PASSED: Western Professional Programs Information Session: Virtual, November 24 2023, see: https://www.uwo.ca/fhs/programs/events/pppd.html

PASSED: UofT PT/OT Combined Information Session + On Campus Tours - Hybrid (limited In-Person spots), November 22 2023, see "Information Sessions" https://ot.utoronto.ca/prospective/mscot_24month/ 

PASSED: UBC MOT Info Session: Virtual, October 19th 2023, see: https://osot.ubc.ca/2023/09/18/ubc-mot-info-night-2023-thursday-october-19-6pm-7pm/

PASSED: McMaster OT information session: Virtual, November 1st 2023, see: https://srs-ot.healthsci.mcmaster.ca/events/admissions-webinar-cycle-2024/ 

PASSED: McMaster Faculty of Health Sciences Open House: In-Person, October 19th 2023, see: https://srs-ot.healthsci.mcmaster.ca/events/fhs-graduate-programs-open-house/ 

OT Application Changes
- According to McMaster, OT schools across Canada are no longer allowing placements outside of their designated catchment areas. This means that you must be able to take a placement within the catchment area of the school you are admitted to. However, McMaster has been the only school to express this change, and you may wish to enquire about it at your schools of choice.

- CASPer Test is now required for UofT OT admissions. This is the first year in which it is required. 

- The sub-GPA cutoff has been :) lowered :) for McMaster's OT in order to improve equity in the admissions process. For reference, the sub-GPA cutoff to be invited to the McMaster Kira Talent Interview was 3.58 for the most recent application cycle. McMaster intends to invite 800 applicants rather than the previous 250. For more information, see: https://srs-ot.healthsci.mcmaster.ca/education/future-students/admissions/#tab-content-admission-faqs

- UofA  is expanding the Masters of Science in OT/CSD program to add 16 seats at the Augustana Campus in Camrose, AB. For more information, see: https://www.ualberta.ca/rehabilitation/programs/augustana.html

PT Information Sessions:

PASSED: Western Professional Programs Information Session: Virtual, November 24 2023, see: https://www.uwo.ca/fhs/programs/events/pppd.html

PASSED: UofT PT/OT Combined Information Session + On Campus Tours - Hybrid (limited In-Person spots), November 22 2023, see : https://www.physicaltherapy.utoronto.ca/admission-events

PASSED: McMaster Admissions Information Session: Virtual, November 8th 2023, see: https://srs-pt.healthsci.mcmaster.ca/events/mcmaster-university-pt-admission-streams-information-session/

PASSED: UBC MPT Info Session: Virtual, October 12th 2023 (General) AND October 16th 2023 (Indigenous Pathway) AND October 24th 2023 (North Campus), see: https://physicaltherapy.med.ubc.ca/events/

PASSED:  UBC MPT Admissions Q&A - Online, December 7th 2023 , see: https://physicaltherapy.med.ubc.ca/events/

PASSED: McMaster Faculty of Health Sciences Open House: In-Person, October 19th 2023, see: https://srs-ot.healthsci.mcmaster.ca/events/fhs-graduate-programs-open-house/ 


PT Application Changes:

- UofT PT is accepting an additional 40 students to their program this year. This is an increase from 110 students in previous years, to a new class size of 150 students.

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I got into Mac in the most recent cycle and thought I’d post my stats here just in case they help someone. I also am open to answering any questions about anything :)

Applied + (PT or OT?): OT only
Accepted: Mac (in second round of offers)
Waitlisted: Western
Rejected: UofT, Queens
GPA: 3.68 s-gpa
Perceived strength of essays/interviews/references: I think I got into Mac because I did well in the Kira talent interview. I say that because I didn’t have a high s-gpa. In my interview I talked about being a transracial adoptee and coaching youth with disabilities in basketball/swimming. 

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Hi ! I also got into Mac in the most recent cycle and wanted to share my stats to give some hope to those with a lower GPA. I used to check these forums everyday and know how mentally tolling it was to compare yourself to others, especially when their stats looked better than yours. You got this and I wish you all luck ! :)

Applied + (PT or OT?): OT
Accepted: Mac (second round offers)
Rejected: UofT, Queens
GPA: c-gpa 3.2 and s-gpa 3.59
Perceived strength of essays/interviews/references: Im 99.9% sure I only got into Mac because of the Kira talent interview as my GPA was not my strong suit. My biggest advice for the interview would be to focus on how you say things rather than what you say. You don't have a lot of time to think but I tried to keep my answers concise and real, also relating to current trends in Canadian health care helped I think so try to do that whenever you see that you can. 

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Hi! Congrats to everyone who's gotten accepted :) I'm going into third year of uni in Ontario and recently became interested in pursuing OT. I'm predicting my GPA at the time of application to be around 3.8.

I'm mainly concerned about extracurriculars and was looking for some advice on how to improve or if what I have is enough! I've volunteered with children with disabilities (providing tutoring) for around 2 years now, done research with two different developmental psych labs, and am an exec member on two mental health/neurodiversity clubs on campus.

None of my experience is OT specific, so I'm wondering if there's any other activities I should take on? Thank you so much for the help!!!

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On 8/22/2023 at 7:34 PM, Chxnfu said:


I got into Mac in the most recent cycle and thought I’d post my stats here just in case they help someone. I also am open to answering any questions about anything :)

Applied + (PT or OT?): OT only
Accepted: Mac (in second round of offers)
Waitlisted: Western
Rejected: UofT, Queens
GPA: 3.68 s-gpa
Perceived strength of essays/interviews/references: I think I got into Mac because I did well in the Kira talent interview. I say that because I didn’t have a high s-gpa. In my interview I talked about being a transracial adoptee and coaching youth with disabilities in basketball/swimming. 

Hi! Congrats so much on your acceptance :) I actually specifically wanted to ask if you have any advice about extracurriculars. I mentioned my ECs in my other comment which I'll just paste here:

I've volunteer tutored children with disabilities for around 2 years now, done research with two different developmental psych labs, and am an exec member on two mental health/neurodiversity clubs on campus.

Do you think this is enough, or is there any other OT-specific experience you'd recommend I gather? Thank you! :)

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12 hours ago, thinkingofOT said:

Hi! Congrats so much on your acceptance :) I actually specifically wanted to ask if you have any advice about extracurriculars. I mentioned my ECs in my other comment which I'll just paste here:

I've volunteer tutored children with disabilities for around 2 years now, done research with two different developmental psych labs, and am an exec member on two mental health/neurodiversity clubs on campus.

Do you think this is enough, or is there any other OT-specific experience you'd recommend I gather? Thank you! :)

I think that’s enough!! I didn’t have OT specific experiences either and I managed to get in :) just make sure you can relate what you have done to OT !

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Hello 2024 Applicants!

I was accepted into PT and OT schools across Canada 2 cycles ago and wanted to offer mentorship to help you prep for your panel and MMI interviews. If you would like equitable and effective feedback from an experienced student which can drastically increase your confidence, feel free to private message me for more info and to schedule Zoom prep meetings! If you would like to learn more about me and read applicant testimonials, my website is: https://kaushal-consulting.square.site/

Here are my results from the 2022/2023 cycle:

Applied: UBC OT, UBC PT, UofA OT, UofT PT, UofT OT
Accepted: UBC OT, UBC PT, UofA OT, UofT PT, UofT OT
s-GPA: 3.87

Good luck everyone, please don't hesitate to reach out for any support or guidance :) 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/17/2023 at 7:51 PM, ANGot said:

Hello Everyone!

I am going to be applying for the 2024 cycle! I was wondering if anyone had finished a masters degree? I was wondering how this would influence by sub-gpa

Excited for us all :)


Hey! I don’t think they use graduate programs towards your sub gpa, only your undergrad. At least for OT 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, ot2.0 said:

Hi everyone, if anyone has experience applying a second time after 1st time rejection I have a few questions! Right now I am mainly wondering whether they mentioned this (applying a second time) in their application or not. Thank you! 

I'm med, not OT/PT. I don't think it is relevant to mention you are applying a second time. Your Application will be dealt with strictly on its merits, having regard to the current pool of applicants. Good Luck!

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Hi everyone!

I'm currently a second year MSc student who is looking to apply to OT programs this cycle. I'm expected to finish sometime this summer (definitely before when classes for 2024 would start), but I want to plan ahead with the hope that I get in so I'm not scrambling to complete everything last minute. I know most school require final transcripts in by June 30, but that's usually a pretty tight deadline to finish a thesis! I emailed UofA admissions about this and they said that I would need to complete my thesis and convocate before the June 30 deadline, which is suddenly makes this a super stressful timeline if I actually want to try to finish before then in the chance I get in. Has anyone else had the same experience of applying while expecting to finish a master's degree, or is in the same process? Do other schools have the same restrictions (I've emailed UofT but still waiting for their reply)? Is there any room for lenience if you get a conditional offer? Would love any advice or guidance! :)

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6 hours ago, oatmilkot said:

Hi everyone!

I'm currently a second year MSc student who is looking to apply to OT programs this cycle. I'm expected to finish sometime this summer (definitely before when classes for 2024 would start), but I want to plan ahead with the hope that I get in so I'm not scrambling to complete everything last minute. I know most school require final transcripts in by June 30, but that's usually a pretty tight deadline to finish a thesis! I emailed UofA admissions about this and they said that I would need to complete my thesis and convocate before the June 30 deadline, which is suddenly makes this a super stressful timeline if I actually want to try to finish before then in the chance I get in. Has anyone else had the same experience of applying while expecting to finish a master's degree, or is in the same process? Do other schools have the same restrictions (I've emailed UofT but still waiting for their reply)? Is there any room for lenience if you get a conditional offer? Would love any advice or guidance! :)

I haven't had this experience, but from my understanding the deadline for graduation is quite strict. I believe it is a deadline enforced by ORPAS rather than individual schools (at least in Ontario) because at that point (June 30) the only decisions left to be made are for waitlist. They need to know that we've actually graduated to either give us an initial offer in May, or to give that offer to someone else. It gets rescinded otherwise if no proof is submitted by June 30. Thing is though, most schools don't even consider graduate courses for GPA! It's frustrating if you still have to submit your transcripts from then.

I would ask if it's possible to only include your undergrad grades, but the most likely option is to try to do what you can now to ensure you can participate in June convocation. It is clear from this post that you want to prioritize OT, so make sure to do what you can to show the schools that too! I do know some schools offer defferals if you are accepted, but they mention that its a rare exception and not guaranteed. Good luck, I hope it works out!

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On 10/3/2023 at 4:14 PM, skay0817 said:

Hey 2023-24 applicants! I am currently a first year PT student at Queen's in the first cohort of the new "competency based education" curriculum! If anyone has any questions feel free to send them my way! 

Good luck to everyone!

Hello, I hope you have a great first year so far.

I'm interested in both Queen's PT and OT. I was wondering if you can provide some insights on the application process (grade, experiences with OT) and how do you find the PT program at Queen. I'm debating in applying between Queen and Western. 

Thank you.

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On 10/17/2023 at 6:50 PM, otot123 said:

I haven't had this experience, but from my understanding the deadline for graduation is quite strict. I believe it is a deadline enforced by ORPAS rather than individual schools (at least in Ontario) because at that point (June 30) the only decisions left to be made are for waitlist. They need to know that we've actually graduated to either give us an initial offer in May, or to give that offer to someone else. It gets rescinded otherwise if no proof is submitted by June 30. Thing is though, most schools don't even consider graduate courses for GPA! It's frustrating if you still have to submit your transcripts from then.

I would ask if it's possible to only include your undergrad grades, but the most likely option is to try to do what you can now to ensure you can participate in June convocation. It is clear from this post that you want to prioritize OT, so make sure to do what you can to show the schools that too! I do know some schools offer defferals if you are accepted, but they mention that its a rare exception and not guaranteed. Good luck, I hope it works out!

Thank you so much for your reply! Yeah, it's pretty frustrating because I've finished all my courses that could be used in the GPA calculations for any schools that would include it, and I could probably finish my thesis before that deadline too, but it's basically impossible for me to attend June convocation because of when I would have to submit my finalized thesis (April 30, which means I lose basically an entire semester oof). I've emailed again to clarify if demonstrating proof of course and degree completion (basically everything except convocation) is enough, but still haven't heard back and it's making me so anxious! If they're super firm on it still I don't know if I can even apply this cycle, and I would be so sad if I have to wait another whole year to apply :( Regardless, thank you for your insight!! 

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14 hours ago, Aliannado said:

Hello, I hope you have a great first year so far.

I'm interested in both Queen's PT and OT. I was wondering if you can provide some insights on the application process (grade, experiences with OT) and how do you find the PT program at Queen. I'm debating in applying between Queen and Western. 

Thank you.

I’m currently in 1st year Queen’s OT. Feel free to message me with any questions about it!! 

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Hi all 

I got into ubc, western and uofa in the most recent cycle after applying for 2022 and 2023 and thought I’d post my stats here just in case they help someone. I am proof a “lower” gpa in the 3.7’s can get in :) my sgpa was a huge worry last cycle and I got into all schools I applied too so I am proof experiences do matter 

Applied + (PT or OT?): OT UBC, UofA, Western
Accepted: All ( currently at UBC)
Rejected: n/a
GPA: 3.8ish ubc and 3.74 UofA and western
Perceived strength of essays/interviews/references: 

my ubc interview I came out not confident but I really showed my personality which helped. I worked in vocational rehabilitation and recreational therapy which is what I discussed in my applications. For uofa which can see my academic CV my other experiences included  working in vocational rehab at a university, dementia care assistant, founder of an equity diversity club, faculty of medicine orientation representative, respite care assistant, assistance in students with cerebral palsy. Classroom aid for students with developmental disabilities 

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On 10/20/2023 at 12:24 PM, oatmilkot said:

Thank you so much for your reply! Yeah, it's pretty frustrating because I've finished all my courses that could be used in the GPA calculations for any schools that would include it, and I could probably finish my thesis before that deadline too, but it's basically impossible for me to attend June convocation because of when I would have to submit my finalized thesis (April 30, which means I lose basically an entire semester oof). I've emailed again to clarify if demonstrating proof of course and degree completion (basically everything except convocation) is enough, but still haven't heard back and it's making me so anxious! If they're super firm on it still I don't know if I can even apply this cycle, and I would be so sad if I have to wait another whole year to apply :( Regardless, thank you for your insight!! 

Oh this is definitely frustrating! I would try talking to your thesis supervisor too, and seeing if there is anything they can do/ any adjustments you can make to your project to help it move forward faster.  Regardless I do hope it works out in the end whichever route you end up taking!

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Has anyone started thinking about their referees yet? I'm unsure if it would be considered bad if both my referees were from my school. Both I know with 100% confidence would provide strong references, but since they were both research related positions/ both from the same uni, i'm unsure if that would be frowned upon. I do have a volunteer supervisor I could ask, and my volunteer experiences are working with individuals with disability which is quite relevant; but i'm afraid they wouldn't be the best pick as I have only volunteered there for 30 hours! Any tips? Has anyone previously applied with two referees from the same place/ from the same profession and gotten in?

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13 hours ago, otot123 said:

Has anyone started thinking about their referees yet? I'm unsure if it would be considered bad if both my referees were from my school. Both I know with 100% confidence would provide strong references, but since they were both research related positions/ both from the same uni, i'm unsure if that would be frowned upon. I do have a volunteer supervisor I could ask, and my volunteer experiences are working with individuals with disability which is quite relevant; but i'm afraid they wouldn't be the best pick as I have only volunteered there for 30 hours! Any tips? Has anyone previously applied with two referees from the same place/ from the same profession and gotten in?

Hello! Personally, I used one from school from a research-related position (similar to you) and one was an OT I had volunteered with for a year (a few hours per week). My advice is to pick two people who you trust and who know your character/work ethic. :)  The key is just highlighting why you would be great in the PT/OT profession depending on what programs you're applying to (my guess is OT haha).  Good luck! 

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Hello everyone, I just started to fill out my application. I graduated with a Bachelor's degree with and currently doing an honour conversion degree to complete my honour thesis. I was wondering if pt school admission will count the grades for the current term of my Honour Thesis. I'm trying to figure out when to send in the transcript. I currently had access to my official transcript up until I graduated last April but not this current term as the class is still ongoing. Can I send my current transcript in or should I wait until December and request to send it in? Most pt school websites said they counted all grades until Dec 31. Any advice would be a great help. Thank you.

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