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OT/PT Accepted / Waitlisted/ Rejected - 2024 Cycle

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57 minutes ago, HanColl said:

I was accepted from the UofA OT waitlist at 9:30 this morning. Hopefully, there will be more movement soon. Best of luck to everyone!


Are you a Saskatchewan resident? I know they were pulling people off the Sask waitlist last week but I'm assuming they have a separate Sask waitlist. 

Just curious if they're pulling from the main waitlist now. 

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48 minutes ago, thereluctantemu said:


Are you a Saskatchewan resident? I know they were pulling people off the Sask waitlist last week but I'm assuming they have a separate Sask waitlist. 

Just curious if they're pulling from the main waitlist now. 

Thank you :) ! Im actually an Alberta resident so they must be starting to situate the main waitlist.

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35 minutes ago, HanColl said:

Thank you :) ! Im actually an Alberta resident so they must be starting to situate the main waitlist.

Well, that's good and bad! Good because we're finally seeing some movement but bad because they haven't emailed me yet lol

Can I ask your stats? I'm curious as to whether the waitlist is ranked or if it's also a lottery. I would assume ranked but who knows...

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9 minutes ago, thereluctantemu said:

Well, that's good and bad! Good because we're finally seeing some movement but bad because they haven't emailed me yet lol

Can I ask your stats? I'm curious as to whether the waitlist is ranked or if it's also a lottery. I would assume ranked but who knows...

My cumulative GPA was a 3.88 (I believe a 3.9 for my most recent 60 credits) and I scored in the 3rd quartile for the CASPer. For experience I shadowed an OT working at a preschool and I was also a therapy assistant at a children’s centre.


Sending all the good luck your way! I hope you hear back soon.

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On 6/6/2024 at 3:53 PM, ptg2026 said:

Does anyone know if there’s any chance of getting a Western waitlist PT offer tomorrow? I’m not sure where they’re at in their wait list process and I was really hoping to get an offer before a different provisional acceptance becomes firm tomorrow.

Which third waitlist are you in? 

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2 hours ago, HanColl said:

My cumulative GPA was a 3.88 (I believe a 3.9 for my most recent 60 credits) and I scored in the 3rd quartile for the CASPer. For experience I shadowed an OT working at a preschool and I was also a therapy assistant at a children’s centre.


Sending all the good luck your way! I hope you hear back soon.

Thanks! Maybe we will be classmates :) 

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Does anyone else not find it ridiculous that offers could be sent "up until classes start"?

There are students on the waitlist who are across the country, waiting to hear back from schools, who will have to uproot their entire lives at a moment's notice, scramble to find a place, etc. (Don't get me wrong, I would gladly move if I got the offer)

There needs to be a better system, where all schools should be required to provide an actual waitlist number, so if it's hopeless for one student to get in (so far down the waitlist), they can move on with their lives, and plan alternatives for the next year. Why should the waitlisted students’ lives be put on pause, and be in the hands of another student rejecting their offer? University students deserve more common courtesy and respect from these institutions who currently have no consideration of the impacts of their inefficient processes. 

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6 minutes ago, OT1238089 said:

Does anyone else not find it ridiculous that offers could be sent "up until classes start"?

There are students on the waitlist who are across the country, waiting to hear back from schools, who will have to uproot their entire lives at a moment's notice, scramble to find a place, etc. (Don't get me wrong, I would gladly move if I got the offer)

There needs to be a better system, where all schools should be required to provide an actual waitlist number, so if it's hopeless for one student to get in (so far down the waitlist), they can move on with their lives, and plan alternatives for the next year.


I'm in Edmonton so if I got into the U of A the day before classes start I wouldn't have to move, I would just have to quit my job. Still some things to do but not that bad. 

BUT I also applied at Dalhousie and if I got an offer like...August 27, that would be a real pain in the behind. Moving to a city that's a few hours' drive away is one thing, but trying to literally move across the country is just bananas. 

Totally agree re: waitlist. Both the U of A and Dalhousie declined to tell me where I am on the waitlist because it "isn't fair" to other students....but why isn't it? If everyone who wants to know gets told, why isn't it fair? Honestly I feel like they should post a list online (using student IDs and initials, not full names) so that anyone who wants to consult it can and then who don't, won't. PLUS then the schools don't get 100 million emails/phone calls. 

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6 hours ago, OT1238089 said:

Does anyone else not find it ridiculous that offers could be sent "up until classes start"?

There are students on the waitlist who are across the country, waiting to hear back from schools, who will have to uproot their entire lives at a moment's notice, scramble to find a place, etc. (Don't get me wrong, I would gladly move if I got the offer)

There needs to be a better system, where all schools should be required to provide an actual waitlist number, so if it's hopeless for one student to get in (so far down the waitlist), they can move on with their lives, and plan alternatives for the next year. Why should the waitlisted students’ lives be put on pause, and be in the hands of another student rejecting their offer? University students deserve more common courtesy and respect from these institutions who currently have no consideration of the impacts of their inefficient processes. 

definitely agree about disclosing waitlist positions, it's frustrating... once programs stop actively recruiting from their waitlist (which could be anyday now, possibly already happening for some schools) we should know, as at that point the classes will be "full" and waitlists will only be used again if someone drops out. when they mention offers could be sent up "until when classes start", i do think that's in the unlikely event that someone drops out, so we should have some form of closure very soon, i hope :( in previous years on the forum, i've seen that schools send out emails when the class is full to let us know. 

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Hello guys, 

I hope you have been successful in receiving acceptances for PT programs. I been placed on the waitlist for western. I am wondering if you guys have heard any updates about westerns waitlist and if the waitlist movement for Ontario PT programs have been significant this year. Since we are in mid June, it feel that as the days go by the changes of getting an acceptance diminishes. It would be great to hear your insight and intel at this point in time. Wishing you success in your academic endeavour! 

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2 hours ago, EdMed100 said:

Hello guys, 

I hope you have been successful in receiving acceptances for PT programs. I been placed on the waitlist for western. I am wondering if you guys have heard any updates about westerns waitlist and if the waitlist movement for Ontario PT programs have been significant this year. Since we are in mid June, it feel that as the days go by the changes of getting an acceptance diminishes. It would be great to hear your insight and intel at this point in time. Wishing you success in your academic endeavour! 

I feel exactly the same way :( Idk if this would mean much to anyone but when I applied last year to Mac, I was on the waitlist, but on the day that provisional acceptances became firm they sent us an email saying "Waitlist closed" and that they weren't going into the waitlist anymore.  Idk if this is the same for other schools but I guess as of right now if they haven't said the waitlist is closed yet its just more of a waiting game (which sucks lol). Wishing you the best as well!! 

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3 hours ago, JWo19 said:

Just got accepted off the waitlist for Mac OT at around 12PM, going to be declining it for another program so hopefully that helps someone on this forum!

Congrats! Do u mind if I ask what your sub gpa is? 

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