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Applying with a PhD and ugrad GPA of 3.65 - chances?

Guest mficocel

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Guest mficocel



I was wondering if someone can tell me if I have a chance at getting into UofT, considering my situation. I have an undergrad GPA of 3.55 (and 3.65 using UofT calculations). I have a grad GPA of 3.7 and a BCMP of 3.66. I am currently completing my PhD in Mechanical Engineering at UofT and I have been thinking of applying to med school when I'm done. I have begun doing volunteer work and with the volunteering I have done in the past I think this part of my application would be strong. I haven't taken the MCAT yet. Also, I will be 32 when I apply.


I realize that UofT has a pretty high GPA cutoff and for this reason I have been considering applying to american schools. However, I was told by a friend that UofT really likes grad students and that my advanced degree can be a big advantage (even though it is engineering?). So basically I'm wondering if I have good/average/no shot at getting into UofT med school. Oh, and what's UofTs attitiude toward older students. Thanks, for the help.

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there,


UofT shows no bias against older applicants.


Second, UofT does seem to look favourably upon applicants with graduate degrees especially if, during that degree, you have demonstrated a high degree of productivity, e.g., papers, presentations, etc. (The favourably bit comes into play when and if your undergraduate GPA is lower than UofT's recommended cut-off GPA. That is, a graduate degree (along with other strong application components, e.g., MCAT, essay, etc.) will afford you a second look.)




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Guest gandalph101

The cutoff point for graduate students at U of T is 3.0 and we are treated separately from the undergrads. I was a graduate student and got accepted with a 3.4 average so you'll be fine. I wouldn't worry about your GPA but concentrate on other aspects of your application. Good luck!

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