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UBC vs. Ottawa

Guest pinkbonkers

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Guest pinkbonkers

Hi everyone,


I am in a fortunate position in which I am able to choose between two medical schools in Canada. I got accepted to both UBC and Ottawa and I am having a very difficult time in choosing between the two. I know that both schools do have a decent amount of PBL but it appears to me that UBC places a greater focus on this in their curriculum.


I was wondering how you guys feel about PBL. Do you feel like its overrated? Also, how do you feel about large/small class sizes? Do you feel that the large class size hinders the experience? (eg. promotes alientation etc.). Also, I know that UBC has exams at the end of term, do you feel that it would be better to have them at the end of each block? It must be very stressful at the end of term trying to retain all the material.


I would greatly appreciate in any feedback...I LOVE being out in BC and the weather, but I am not too sure if the curriculum is best for me.



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Guest satsumargirl

Hey Pinkbonkers!


I go to Ottawa and as you know we have PBL every week. I personally could live without PBL. There are good things about it, but it isn`t what I thought/imagined it might be before I started.


Your experience does depend on your group though and your tutors. And at Ottawa we change groups every 3 blocks (so 2 groups per year and you get a different tutor for every block). Most of us have had good and not so good group experiences.


Can't really compare block exams vs. term exams for you...since I only know the block exams. I can say that having exams so frequently was a bit of an adjustment. The volume of info in one block can sometimes be quite large. It isn`t like just writing one undergrad exam. But the material isn`t that hard...it's just the volume. (IMHO) I imagine that the block method causes less periods of intense stress compared to term exams...but instead causes moderate levels of stress on a consistent basis. And I personally think I prefer the latter!


Good luck with your very tough choice! I love BC!! Great sushi, mountains, ocean....but Ottawa isn`t so bad either!



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Guest g22g

Ottawa of course!! see the ottawa forum for details...

Unless you:

Want to stay in BC for residency. The BC program locks out other out of province medical student in terms of electives during crunch time (4th year pre Carms app). Nevertheless Ottawa is sending at least 3 students to BC for residents next year.

PBL is flexible, allows you to interact with a possible mentor, and is an experience of what you make of it. It also keeps you sharp from week to week for the block test in 6 weeks, which is a whole lot more conducive to socializing, weekend vacationing, and sanity then end of term exams.

Good luck,

g22g, UofO MS3

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Guest leviathan

Tough choice. Ottawa and Vancouver are both great cities. Flip a coin? ;)


At any rate, congrats on your acceptanceS!

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Guest Jazz

Just finished 2nd year at UBC, and yes culmulative exams are stressful. Even though it was tough the last couple of weeks, I have to admit an advantage of culmulative exams is that it helps you retain the material long term, although the block right before exams usually gets understudied. Not having exams early also allowed people time to do more eg. travel,extracurriculars, etc during the term until the 3-4 weeks before exams.


I didn't find the large class size a disadvantage the program is distributed, so it's not that much bigger than the other schools anyways at the Vancouver site. The camaraderie among classmates was excellent, people shared studying aids and supported each other during the stressful times, and did social/sports stuff together outside of class. Class size was almost an advantage for me as far as meeting friends. You will be able find a large group of friends that will help keep you sane.


PBL is overrated in my opinion, some people really like it. It depends on you learning style. However, the way exams are at UBC, you can do very well by focusing on lecture material. That is HUGE, since if you were unlucky to be in a poor PBL group, it wouldn't affect your exam performace as long as you study the traditional way, and use PBL to mainly supplement learning of lecture material.


To me, the biggest factor by far in making the decision is LOCATION, unless you are debating b/t 3 vs. 4 yr program. There are plus and minuses to every curriculum, and when we are stressed out, we all wonder if another school would be better for this and that, etc. When i had to choose, I know I will be happy in BC where my friends, family, and nice weather are. The pre-clinical years pass by very quickly, just go to wherever you'll be most comfortable, whether that's BC or Ottawa


Good luck with your decision!

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Guest riki9041


Congrats! I am going into 3rd yr Ottawa U undergrad and soo wouldnt be the best one to give you advice but i would say from what i know, Ottawa U is good! I have seen the campus and its great..

Just out of curiosity though, what are your stats, ie marks, activities etc...

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