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ec during the rest of summer as a hs?

Guest archchivalry

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Guest archchivalry



I'm just wondering if there's gotta be anything to do

during rest of the summer


As a highschool student, I applied for hospital to

volunteer but it was too late so I didn't make it.


What's the ec that I should really participate?

Is it OK as long as I really like it?

Even though I really like it, shouldn't it be

something that is considered as an experience?

(Like going swimming pool everyday won't be count)


I know there are limited opportunities as a highschool

student, but any idea?

I'm just thinking how to spend the rest of the summer

before I'll be so busy as I enter university.



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Guest peachy

If you read through the old messages, there are at least ten or fifteen threads with suggestions for extracurriculars. Start out with the ones linked to from the FAQ, and maybe check out these ones as well, or search through the old threads yourself.








If you're in Toronto, I loved volunteering at Bloorview when I was in high school (and university). I always felt that I was making a difference when I was there, and I learned quite a bit as well.


But what I would really do, if I were you, is sit back and think about what it is that you REALLY want to do. Two months of uninterrupted time is worth a great deal! Five years from now, what will you wish that you have done? Learned something, visited somewhere, spent time with someone, relaxed, done some art, ... ?


Quite honestly, I doubt that medical school admissions committees could care less what you did prior to university. When I read your message, the first thing I thought to myself was that if I was a student on an admissions committee, I would be tremendously unlikely to place serious weight on high school activities.


I would focus on doing it for YOU, not because you think that you should!

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Guest Salkh

the main point about ECs is that you are involved in areas other than schoolwork, and that you really enjoy them. it shows the committee that you are a well-rounded person and not channelling all of your energy into school marks. forget about trying to do what will look good, and do something that you enjoy, because that is what comes out in the interview and impresses the panel. sports (including swimming) definitely count because they demonstrate teamwork, endurance, perseverance - all qualities that med schools want in their students.

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Guest archchivalry

I thought I definetely need at least

one clinical experience for the admission.

So that way I'll know what the doctors

are like..I honestly don't really know what

doctors workplace is going to be like.


I found it pretty hard to get that position

even when I apply to volunteer(not to work)


Do I have correct information?

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Guest Lorae

I'm finding it difficult to understand your question, but I'll try to answer as best I can.


Extracurricular activities can be either (a) volunteer work or (B) hobbies/activites. You should choose activities that are interesting and fun for you!!


Clinical experience is important, but this doesn't mean you have to shadow a physician (although that would be a *great* way to have a glimpse of the life of a physican). Volunteering in a hospital is a good thing to do since it will expose you to people who are ill and in the hospital. Don't forget that hospital work and physician shadowing aren't the only 2 ways to gain experience helping people. There's so many ways to gain experience in a setting that requires compassion, sensitivity, and the ability to work with a multidisciplinary team. You could volunteer at a battered women's shelter, cook for the homeless, work in an adult literacy program, mentor new immigrants, play billiards/chess/checkers/card games at a senior's lodge... the list goes on and on.


Don't try to pick activities that you think will make you "look good" to the admissions committee. That's really poor motivation. You need to want the experiences for your own enrichment!

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Guest avisee

Clinical experience is great to have - but more so for your own knowledge and development than for meeting some criteria held by admissions committees.


I don't think any Ontario med school explicitly requires you to have clinical experience in order to be admitted - although it will certainly help boost your application. The only school I know of that requires you to have completed something in this category is Dalhousie, which also implies that they expect you to have direct patient experience - gift shop or cafe volunteering positions won't get you very far. If you find an interesting clinical experience, good for you. It will be a good chance to determine if medicine is really what you want to do, and might open your eyes to other related professions you might like even more.


However, don't force yourself to get a clinical experience just for the sake of checking it off your list. If you have the opportunity to do something instead that you would enjoy more, or have greater opportunity to put your skills to good use, the experience may be more beneficial. When it comes time to applying to medical school, experience in non-clinical areas where you have shown great translatable skills (especially leadership and interpersonal skills) will really help boost your application. So if you are havnig trouble finding a good clinical experience to get involved with, or if there's something non-clinical that grabs your attention, it's worth giving a shot.

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