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Career opportunities beside going to medical school

Guest archchivalry

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Guest archchivalry



I applied to Western's medical science program(undergrad.)

and I think I'll probably go there.

UWO sasy that it is a good foundation before

pursuing professional schools(including medicine)


I'm just wondering what type of career opportunities are there

beside going to medical school

after getting Bachelor of science degree?

(If you can, I'll be happy what kind of jobs will I do

after medical science, or bioemedical science)


UWO says they are good preparation

before medicine, but I'm just afraid that I'll be lost

if I don't get into medical school.


What do people usually do after getting Bsc?

If I take engineering program, it is mostly likely to

be an engineer right?(I applied few engineerings too)


Thank you for your reply.

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Guest Lactic Folly

Just off the top of my head: physical therapy, public health, epidemiology, speech pathology and audiology, library science, dentistry, law, nursing, education, and the list goes on and on... (just take a look through some university calendars)

It's a good idea to take a look at a variety of such options before reaching the end of your degree, either so that you won't have missed something else that appeals to you, or conversely, to confirm that medicine is truly the best choice for you. :)

People with engineering degrees can also apply to further professional training in medicine, business, law, etc.

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Guest klukyboy

I did engg first, and I have no regrets. However, it may take you longer to fit in all the pre-reqs as engg is usually very structured and does not allow enough electives.

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Guest archchivalry

I am actually not sure

what I'm going to do or what major I am interested.


I just want to open my options for doing anything in

the future.

So, if I just want to keep my options open for

my career choice, will it be better to do science

or to do engineering degree?


Thank you for your help.

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Guest UofT Student

The University of Toronto (Erindale Campus) offers a Masters of Biotechnology program. You can view the website here:




It's interesting and unique in that it combines the scientific aspects of biotechnology with the business aspects of today's economy.


I'm sorry, but I can't really answer your question about whether you should choose Science or Engineering. My advice: choose what you are more interested in, and you will most likely succeed.

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Guest archchivalry

Thanks for your answer about master of biotech



but as I wrote


what major I am interested.


so, I just want to keep my option open whatever

I will going to do after undergrad(law, medicine, masters, pH.D, etc)

If I choose science undergrad, will I have more

career opportunities or to change my career plan, etc?

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Guest UofT Student

Yup, you will still have many doors open to you if you choose a science undergrad. Take a look at the individual school's websites of some of the backup options you mentioned (law, medicine, masters, Ph.D., etc.) and see what prerequisites they require. As long as you fulfill these prerequisites, you will keep your doors open.

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