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Sickening TLC (ER) episode

Guest hacker

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Guest hacker

Ok so here's the situation. A male patient gets into the ER with a stab wound just below his heart. He is conscious but having trouble breathing. The doctor orders an X-ray and that confirms her initial suspicion of a punctured lung. She then proceeds to explain to the patient of his condition and the need to cut an incision in his chest and insert some tube to fix this problem. They chat for a bit and the doctor asks the patient who stabbed him. The patient then says he got stabbed by his girl friend while "beating the @#%$ out of her".

What really shocked me and sickened me is the way the doctor behaved when she knew the patient was beating his girl friend. The nurse had already prepared an anesthetic shot but the doctor REFUSED to use it and said that they no longer needed it. She then tells the patient that an incision will have to be made and that he's a big guy and can take the pain. So she basically goes ahead and cut him with out anesthesia. The guy screams in total pain and the doctor seems to be satisfied that he was calling his mommy in his screaming. Anyways, they keep the doctor's identity anonymous and the doctor admits it was a learning experience !

I wonder how such an incident constitutes a learning experience. I believe this incident should be equated with a criminal offence. It's as if the guy was stabbed twice.

Such a sad story to end the day :(



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Guest jackiedirks

I just finished watching the episode...


I think its important to note that the doctor did feel remorseful for her actions. She talked about violating her own ethics, how she is not in a position to judge others. TLC put their own spin on the situation by calling her the "vigilante" and by not really addressing her reflection of the situation.


You're right- not a very ethical thing to do. It is probably criminal (I forget the details of the law course we took- it probably borders on assault).

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there,


That sounds hellish. Where did this occur?


As to the action being criminal, well I'm sure the doctor could at least be found negligent, given the definition of the word: "wanton and reckless disregard for a patient's safety and wellbeing". It certainly sounded as though she disregarded the need for anaesthetic during such an invasive procedure, and I doesn't sound as though the patient felt that her approach improved his wellbeing.


Overall, I'd be surprised if there weren't already a few dozen medical lawyers trying to initiate contact with the patient. The issue will probably rear its head again in the press in the future.




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I saw the show, and I wasn't sickened by the act so much as the 'FOX network' version of the ER the whole show portrayed. It featured obvious re-creations of some 'war-stories' from several different docs in the ER.


It was sensationalistic and (IMHO) low-brow. I don't know how much credence to give the whole thing. The re-creation showed the nurse there with the anaesthetic ready, but how much was Hollywood and how much was reality?!


The act itself was wrong. That was admitted. If you think you can work as a doctor, long hours and stress and all, and never have a lapse in judgement, I commend you. I, for one, know there will be times I may not make the right decision. Especially in the ER, where time is of the essence, decisions cannot be 100%. It should be stressed that in this case, I don't think the patient's health was put at risk.


B :evil

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Guest hacker

I don't believe that this was a mistake in judgment or a result of being overworked. Thats a 100% turn against the ethics of medicine. Yes, the patient was being treated but it was an INTENTIONAL inhumane treatment that resulted in excruciating pain. There were not too many options at that time to make a judment. You cut the patient, you need to minimize their pain. I believe that it is the function of doctors to humanely treat patients irrespective of their behaviors or whatever they say during treatment. The doctor in this case clearly meant to punish the patient for his behavior.

The patient's health was not put at risk I agree but does that mean doctors have the right to use whatever treatment ,irrespective of how much pain it might cause, just because the patient's health will not be at risk?

How about the overall well being of the patient ? Wasn't the pain he was intentionally exposed to damaging to his general well being that should contribute to his health too.

The doctor expressed remorse and I commend her for that but I have to disagree that this could be regarded as a learning experience. You don't learn by intentionally hurting other people.



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Guest klukyboy


Fox is a pathetic excuse for a network that consistently appeals to the lowest common denominator. All that low-brow stuff is just to increase the viewer base for their right wing propaganda. If you're expecting anything decent (or even honest) out of them, I wouldn't recommend holding your breath until then. All I can recommend is turning the channel.

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  • 2 weeks later...

the doctor might be wrong for intentionally causing pain to her wounded patient... but so is her patient, as he said he was beating the #@*U(#_@&! out of his gf. that, too, was intentional.


maybe the doctor wanted to give him taste of his own medicine (no pun intended) but as mentioned in previous posts, it's television so not everything is accurate!

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Guest klukyboy


The point people are trying to make is that as a doctor, you don't have the right to give anyone a taste of their own medicine.

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that's true... then again, ANY human shouldnt have the right to inflict pain on another, doctor or not.


it's just horrible of that TV show to show a doctor doing that and giving a wrong message to everyone.

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