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Practicing in Hong Kong?

Guest Jazz

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Has anyone here considered practicing in Hong Kong?

I know there are tons of foreign trained docs in HK since I grew up there, but couldn't find anything wrt to the qualifications/exams required for a Canadian grad. Thanks for any info provided.

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Guest physiology

Hong Kong is a great place to make money as a physician.


I believe you write their licensing exams and that entitles you to practice.


BTW, my friend was saying her psychiatrist friend in HK, made $250 000 CAD a year, and that's the YEAR after he graduated from medical school.


He also gets subsidized housing as well.

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Guest ewon2003

Hi there,


My friend just graduated from Hong Kong U Medical school last year.


Apparently, according to him, situations have changed. There are only 2 western medical schools in HK, and a lot of the graduates won't be able to find a job in hospital placement.


He also admitted that even though he did well in school, but due to lack of connections he'll have some difficulty getting into desired residency.

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Guest Agent999

ewon spoke the truth. The Hong Kong medical system has gone downhill; the government is currently broke and unable to provide the annual fund of ~3.8 billion to hospital authority (HA), which is responsible for all the hospitals in HK. For the 300 medschool graduates last year, 30 of them couldnt get a position in the hospital. Many are forced to become private practioneers (they no longer make a lot of money, I saw clinical fees as long as $80HK per visit), research, or other atypical route, ie. business, pharmaceutical companies. Even for those who were lucky and became specialists, because of the new 3+3+1 rule (7 year contract), they may lose their job after 7 years when the contract expires eventhough they have all the qualifications. Not to mention that the salary for interns dropped from $70000HK to $40000. I know we didnt become doctors to make huge profits, but the sad thing is that not just money, but also opportunities are being denied in HK. For those who watched HK news, the SARS epidemic had made a mess and accountability had lead to the recent resignation of the secratary of health, welfare and food Dr. Yeoh. So yeah, the health department in HK is a mess currently. Hopefully in the future a reform will take place and health care may get better. I must admit HK is a lot funner than Toronto, I will definitely choose to work in HK if things werent that bad in HK. Then again, I need to get into medschool first :b

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