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Having Kids in Medical School--NEW STUDY

Guest bj

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I am working on a project looking at the experiences of students who have kids during medical school. Right now, I am developing two questionnaires and would love input from any and all of you. How? Just post or message me with your answers to these questions:


1. What would you like to know about university policies regarding pregnancy and parenthood in med school?


2. What would you like to know about students who have decided to have kids in med school?


Thanks for the help. I will be looking for more help soon in recruiting people to the study.



;) bj

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Guest CaesarCornelius

1) What is the policy regarding new fathers and leave of absence?


2) Has the baby increased your monthly expenses dramatically? How has your baby affected your relationship with your partner?




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Guest lothya

1) I'm gearing up to become a non-bio mom in January, and am quite selfishly curious about this topic! Especially about how schools deal with parental leave for non-biological parents. E.g. students who are either adopting a child -- or in provinces where filiation wrt same-sex couples is not a given, if there is provision for 'paternity' leave after a partner gives birth.


2) What are the demographics of med students who are parents as compared to med students in general. Are student/parents older? More often male/female? In upper years?

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Thanks so much for the suggestions CC and lothya! I was wondering about how to include adoption and whether parents in same-sex relationships get equal status. Good to know someone else is curious, too.


I really appreciate your ideas!



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Guest megs29

I don't know a lot about the policies surrounding pregnancy and med school. I'm wondering what kinds of things are available for mothers and fathers at the various med schools.


Are med schools very willing to give students time off? How does that affect their studies? Would they then join the following year's class when they return? What about during residency?


I think this topic is very relevant as becoming a doctor takes many years and it's tough to put off a family for so long.

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