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Doing a project at a different med school?

Guest uptownyeung

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Guest uptownyeung

i was just wondering if anyone here is currently working on a research project at some medical school other than the one that you're now attending in Canada or in the States, with or without pay? this topic might have been discussed ad nauseam but how important is it really that you get some research experience in your intended field of residency? or maybe any research exp. would help??? im really interested in hearing your take on this issue.

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Guest Lactic Folly

People also do this to increase their connections, especially if the new university is better known than their home university (in the US).. I don't foresee myself doing this in Canada, as the chances of finding a project at my school are good, and going away seems a bit of a hassle and expense.. but who knows.

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Guest Sarah371

The importance of research to your residency application really depends on what type of residency you are planning on applying to, the program you are applying to and the type of medicine you want to practice afterwords. The larger schools in the country which have big research programs tend to expect some research background......also if you are planning to go into community practice research may not be as important in your future career then if you want a job in an academic centre.


Lots of people go to other universities in the summer to start research projects often to work with "leaders" in the field that they are interested in. I would give one word of caution to this however....the leading name in a given field is not necessarily your best choice for a learning situation because they have many commitments elsewhere.


At Queen's the undergraduate office had a book of places to do research both within and outside of the university....good luck!



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Guest jackiedirks

I'm in India at this very minute involved in a project. I go to the U of Manitoba where it seems as though there is a lot of opportunity abroad- both in research projects as well as clinical exposures. My project leader is also from the U of M, which made things easier, but there are a couple people in my class who have independently set up projects out of different schools. I'm sure that other Canadian med schools are just as accomidating.

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