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What to expect for first year???

Guest Kenola

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Guest Kenola

So, current med students: what can incoming med1 students expect for the first year?? What are classes like, what is the course scheduling like, clinical skills training, etc... Will I ever see my wife and daughter again?? ;)



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Guest kosmo14

Its been 4 years since 1rst year with many changes so I can't really comment on scheduling but I can definately tell you that you will have no problem seeing your wife and daughter throughout the entire med school. There is plenty of time outside of medicine if you use your time wisely and choose to take it. I do know of a few people in my class that sold thier soul to medicine, and sure they got fantastic marks but they seem to have lost reality. They thought that med school was so incredibly stressful and a lot of work, but that was because they made that choice. For the majority of us, we still did well but kept an active life outside of medicine, and survived it. I can even say that I enjoyed med school.


Hope this helps out.

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Guest Kenola

It does help. Thanks.


I also wanted to thank you, kosmo14, for all the work you've put into this forum over the past few years. I know when I first started university back in '03 and had questions about what classes to take and how to organize them to meet the medicine requirements you were one of the first to post a reply. Since then I've seen you post a number of excellent and helpful suggestions to innumerable med hopefulls (myself included). Way to go, and thanks!



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Guest kosmo14

No problem, I had lots of good advice before I got in, so I thought I could return the good will. While some people may not always agree with what I have to say, I just try to tell it how I see it from my end. Certainly my perspectives have changed over the past four years as I went through med school.


Maybe you could consider signing up as a Sask. moderator as you may be of more use next year since I am moving onto residency, it would be nice to have someone who is in med school to answer questions.

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