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Guest nsxboyz

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Guest also in limbo

me maniac,


well i was waiting for toronto's letter before replying to you... and alas, another waitlist! if i am lucky enough to get in off one of the four, i'll be thrilled, but if not, i guess it just wasn't meant to be this year.


so unfortunately i won't be pulling off the u of c oop waitlist quite yet, but from the sounds of it a lot of people got multiple offers here in ontario and maybe some of them will!


best of luck to you, and congrats again!


forever in limbo (jk!)

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Guest monksters

Hi in Limbo,


I know how you feel. I have recieved yet another waitlist from Macmaster... so that will make it three waitlists for me. At least they are consistent ...SUCKS!


little m

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Guest nsxboyz

I was wondering if anybody know the exact number of people on the waitlist this year. I asked that question in my original post, but no one has replied with a definite answer.

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Guest also in limbo

hey monksters,


hopefully things will start moving soon - i know someone who was accepted off the ubc waitlist as early as june 5 last year. that same person also ended up getting in off his other waitlist in august. so there is hope yet...

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Guest me maniac

in limbo,


Consistency in the right setting can be good, but in this case, IT SUCKS!!!! Aaaaarrrgh!


I do still have faith in you, though. With all those waitlist offers, I KNOW you will get in somewhere! I hope it is UBC. :)


Good luck. I will be watching for you to post when (not if!) you get in!



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Guest not rex morgan

I understand the waiting sucks, but I must say that I'm a little bit jealous of those of you guys who got multiple waitlist offers. I applied three years in a row, to a few different schools across the three years, and only ever got offered interviews once (which then turned into a waitlist, then an admission). In all this stress, take a minute to congratulate yourselves on MAKING multiple waitlists.


That being said, it's a horrible position to be in. Regarding the number of people on the waitlist, I simply don't know. It was 25 for years. I believe it was bumped up to 40 last year, and they used it up and then some, so they likely made it bigger this year. If it's bugging you, you could try contacting them. They definitly will not tell you where you sit on the list, but I think they told me how many people were on it. Good luck.

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Guest green

First of all, congrats to all those who were accepted, you have done very well. Secondly, congrats to all those accepted in multiple places, you have done incredibly well. I personally have the joy of being waitlisted to the only school I applied to, UBC, and am finding that I am on this site at least 4 times a day checking to see if anything is going on.


God, this waiting is killing me. I am not in Canada presently, and I keep calling home every day to see if the status has changed. I think I am seriously piecing off my dad, as there is an 8 hour difference and I keep calling home at the start of my day. Please, you people that are going to decline, hurry up and decline. It is the only humane thing to do. My father’s sleep deprivation is proof of that.

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Guest canstowski

Hey green, i'm in the exact position as you are in, except i'm waiting in Vancouver.


I hope we both get in! :rolleyes


Do you think they will call us with the notification or mail?

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Guest monksters

Everynight, i seem to have the same dream that I have come home and that brown envelope in my mailbox. I know technically I have been waiting for 3 weeks, but in reality I have been waiting for 6 years when I first decided that medicine is what I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing. This is my second time applying but the many trails that I have encountered along the way has made this a long journey. But I must agree with the recent quote that I heard in the documentary "spellbound"


"Nothing that is truely valuable in life is easy achieve."


So keep at it y'all and keep the faith.. I'm right there with ya. So what is the prognosis? I think great... I think excellente!



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Guest green

To be perfectly honest, I am horribly scared.


This is my third application to UBC, I was interviewed all 3 times, rejected twice, and waitlisted this time.


I do not think I will apply again.


Unfortunately, due to family circumstances I was working 40 hours per week during my undergrad and my 1st year, and thus most my prereqs, took a hit.


There is nothing I can do about this, but I think they weight these marks heavily.


I hope this waitlist picks up as it will drsatically effect the outcome of my life. It really sucks how I do not have any control over it.

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Guest canstowski

I am just as scare as you guy are! :rolleyes


I really hope they will pull everyone from the waitlist this year too, but what are the chances for a repeat?


Sigh~ monkster, you are not the only one having that dream. I'm getting delirious and illusional! :x


I sure hope we can be classmates this fall! pray! pray! pray! :(

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Guest Pucca81

GREEN... Just wanna say I admire you for managing to work full-time during undergrad. That's really "amazing" and if the ad com people saw that, you should be high up on the waitlist!!! Truly admirable~ wow.... :eek


CANTOWSKI... I personally believe in the power of prayer. I shall pray everyday for all the waitlisted applicants for sure! (PUSH = pray until something happens)

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Guest green

I do not really know what to say besides the fact that I am simply lost for words.


I am in the middle of exams and am completely unable to even come close to concentrating as this UBC thing is on my mind.


I wish I knew. Actually, scratch that, I wish I knew I was accepted.


Thanks for the encouragement Pucca, I appreciate it.


I have never been a praying man, and even more so, I have never prayed for myself, but I will be wishing for best outcomes for all on the list.


If you are checking this post, please respond as the only thing keeping me sane is to be reading new messages on this site.


Who would have thought it would have come tho this?:(

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Guest not rex morgan

Just keep in mind that you're in a waaaaaayyyyyyy better position than those rejected outright. One thing you can do for yourself is to shift your focus to your exams. If you are writing exams, I'm assuming this is the first time you applied. Is this true? If so, you should congratulate yourself on even making the waitlist the first time around. Now, if you don't get accepted this year, are you planning on applying next year? If so, you want to keep your grades up, right? So spend your days studying your @$$ off. It will all be over soon. If you don't eventually end up getting picked up by UBC, there are tons of great things you can do to use the year you've been handed. I know it's tempting to be completely disheartened, I have been there a couple of times, but IFF you don't get in, you do have a year to spend wisely. Once you get into meds, your time is pretty much handed over to the school. You get summers, but if you don't get in, you get a whole year to work, travel, etc. I worked as a research assistant for one of my years off, and went and did international volunteer work for the next. The third year, I got in off of the waitlist (first time I was interviewed). At that point, I was finally at a loss for things to do with my time. But I did manage to fill two years with experiences I now realise I wouldn't trade. I hope this helps. Good luck and try not to obsess. You have tons of life ahead of you, with adventures just waiting to be found.


As for me, I'm trying to figure out how to load stuff onto my palm, so that I can actually use this expensive piece of equipment for more than just scheduling. (wish me luck, too...I need it ;) )

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Guest green

This is my third application to UBC, I was interviewed all 3 times, rejected twice, and waitlisted this time.


I do not think I will apply again.


Unfortunately, due to family circumstances I was working 40 hours per week during my undergrad and my 1st year, and thus most my prereqs, took a hit.


There is nothing I can do about this, but I think they weight these marks heavily.


Man, this is driving me nuts.

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Guest monksters

Hi Green,


I know it's tough but I think it is really important to keep having faith in yourself. Coming this far, don't tell me you will give up now. Many people have failed before, some of the brightests minds of this century, some of the greatest atheletes have failed before. Einstien was once thrown out of school, Jordon did not make North Carolina Team on first try. Reaching barriers and failures is all a part of being human. But it is what we learn from and how we react to these failures that will make us successful in the end.


I think you still have a great chance for this year, maintain hope. I know of another applicant who had poor undergraduate marks so did a year in unclassified, then wrote the MCAT four times and finished her PhD before applying. She is now in second year. Anything is possible....


Take bud



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Guest bearman14

Hi Folks,


Just thought I'd let those of you who are still waiting know that the list will move one more spot, as with great trepidation I am declining my UBC spot :\ Hopefully one of you will get a sweet phone call soon!!! Good luck.



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Guest Pucca81

Hey, Cantowski. In response to your posting: Yes, I am a Christian. Are you? cuz I got some hilarious Christian jokes that might cheer you up while you anxiously wait for the "sweet call" or the "letter" from UBC...

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Guest canstowski

Hey Pucca,


Yes i'm a christian! :rollin


DO share your hilarious jokes and yes, the waiting has been a pain so far |I

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Guest Pucca81

I *hope* you find these funny... I sure liked them..


Here it is:


Jesus and Satan were having an ongoing argument about who was better on the computer. They had been going at it for days, and God was tired of hearing all of the bickering.

Finally God said, "Cool it! you two! I am going to set up a test that will run two hours, and I will judge who does the better job."

So... Satan and Jesus sat down at the keyboards and typed away. They moused. They did spreadsheets. They wrote reports. They sent faxes. They sent e-mails. They sent e-mails with attachments. They downloaded. They did some genealogy reports. They made cards. They did every known job...

But... 10 minutes before their time was up, lightening suddenly flashed across the sky, thunder clapped, the rain poured, and of course, the electricity went off. Satan stared at his blank screen and screamed every curse word known in the underworld. Jesus just 'sighed'. The electricity finally flickered back on, and each of them restarted their computers.

Satan started searching frantically and screamed, "It's gone! It's all gonnnneeee!!! I lost everything when the power went off!!!" Meanwhile, Jesus quietly started printing out all of his files from the past two hours of diligent work. Satan observed this and became furious.


"Wait!!! He cheated! How did he do it?"


God shrugged and said... "Jesus saves"



Here is more...



"We have to hold hands when we pray so the circle won't be broken."


"God has used you to teach me what true love really is."


"What are your plans for tonight? Feel like a Bible study?"


"Hey~ I was created in God's image.... What da ya think?"


"Is it a sin that you stole my heart?"


"Excuse me. I believe one of your ribs belongs to me."


"Wow... nice bible...~"


"oh, you don't have an accountability partner? Me neither!"


"Haven't we prayed together before?"


"You know Jesus? Me TOO!!!"


So.. that's it for now!! Hope you were able to laugh at some of those. ;)

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