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Guest hegg

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Hi all,


I was reading through the message board for U of T, and I noticed that many have a negative view of undergrad AND med students at U of T (they are rich, they don't share, etc). I don't have the knowledge to comment on these allegations, but I was wondering if there is the same feeling about UBC med students - are you one big happy family?

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Guest Ian Wong

? My impressions thus far from the U of T moderators is that while their classes are a bit larger, each person has managed to find a core group of friends with many common interests.


It's like that here at UBC too. Most people spend their time with a close subset of friends, and interact a bit less with everyone else. I'd say that in general the atmosphere is very friendly, but reality being reality, there's just not enough time in the day to get to know everyone in the class to the same degree. Many of my classmates think of med school as being a lot like high school. You know a little bit about most people, but there's a small group of people that you hang out with the most.



UBC, Med 3

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest bc guy

just like high school with little groups of exclusion, not sharing, etc etc? how disappointing that med students at ubc still have this high school mentality. oh well, must be their upbringing, some things never change. Seems to be a girl problem mainly.

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Guest citrobacter

you can not get away from it. Anywhere you find ethnic groups of people you will have this grouping and exclusion. Probably it never occurs to them that it is rude and not a personable thing or a nice thing to do. Culturally it must be a ok thing for them to do, can not imagine that it is due to rudeness or cruelty.

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi guys,


Just some morning thoughts: on this, is it possible that this "grouping" phenomenon has less to do with ethnic factors and more to do with our behaviours as social animals? For example, I've noticed that when I travel alone, I tend to meet and chat with a MUCH larger number of people than I do when I have a traveling companion or two. I don't feel that it's because I just don't enjoy chatting with new people--in fact, I very much enjoy, and feel very comfortable meeting new people--it's simply that it's much more convenient to share thoughts and ideas with those that are immediately around you.


I think a big factor is that we generally enjoy company, and when subconsciously choosing who to converse with, perhaps some people feel most comfortable selecting those who appear to be in a bit of the same boat, and there are many "boats": similar ethnic background, or simply, the other, lone person sitting beside you in the lecture room row. From my own experience at UT, I have a class or two where I appear to be a visible minority (I'm the caucasian, blonde chick). Also, within some of these classes are apparent "groupings" of different people. However, just by initiating a friendly chat outside the lecture room, or by offering to e-mail some transcribed notes, I've found that a very friendly chain reaction can occur. What goes around comes around, perhaps?




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