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Anyone getting accepted off the Waitlist?!??!

Guest eg77

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Guest eg77

So it's the 26th today...more than a week since decision's been out. I'm wondering if anyone placed on the waitlist has heard good news? Is it a rolling admission process for this pool? How are people contacted...message section of the application, phone calls, emails? Any insight would be very helpful and possibly, just possibly, could make this wait a little better.

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Guest AceUBC

I'm pretty sure that 2nd round offers (ie. to those on waitlist) will go out after the deadline to accept for 1st round offers has passed. I believe the deadline is in early June, so don't expect to hear anything until then (at least that's how it was last year).

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Guest canuck0000

The deadline for acceptance of 1st round offers is May 31st this year, so you should hear back sometime after then.


Good luck! :)

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Guest eg77

Well, it's may 31st today. This is when the real agony starts for waitlisted applicants. Anybody else waitlisted feeling the same or am I alone in this?

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Guest research101

OOP applicant accepted a couple weeks ago. Emailed UBC to notify them that I will be declining my acceptance. Hope this helps someone get in.

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Guest dont call me dwight

It's killin me too, eg... i'm just trying to limit myself to checking for changes once an hour :x although, i would bet we won't hear until monday at the earliest.

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Guest eg77

So is there 2 seperate waitlists...OOP and IP; or is it all one? I also don't know which site I'm waitlisted for...it didn't say in the message section or the email...anybody know anything about this?

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Guest canuck0000

Yep, there are two separate waiting lists - one for OOP, one for IP. As for the site you're waitlisted for...I think you get waitlisted for all the sites actually (if the experience of a friend of mine a few years back is proof...).

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Guest canstowski

actually, the waitlists for the 3 different sites and OOP are totally different.


Just from prior experience, i was on the top half of the waitlist for IMP, bottom half of the waitlist for VFMP and i didnt' even make the waitlist for NMP. I didn't get in that year tho but it could be different for you guys so good luck.

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Guest canuck0000

Sorry about the confusion; I meant that you get waitlisted for all three sites (or however many you ranked). The waitlist for each of the sites is indeed separate, but still is IP.

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Guest want2Bmd

Out of curiosity, canstowski, did you find out about your place on the waitlist from the feedback session, or did you get some secret information?

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Guest want2Bmd

is there even a feedback session for people who were waitlisted and don't get in?? or do we just get our marks in September?

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Guest Faith

There are a few questions discussed here that I have spoken to the UBC Admissions department about. Perhaps I should speak up:


1. Yes, the deadline for response to offers was May 31. The admissions department informed me that the waitlist probably won't start moving until mid-June. I would imagine that they have a lot on their plates at the moment. Us waitlisters just have to be patient!


2. In regards to feedback, it looks like we might have two options: (1) withdraw from the waitlist and receive a complete feedback session this summer or (2) stay on the waitlist until August 28 and hopefully get some feedback before the September 7 deadline. It sounds like the details of feedback for waitlisters will be worked out at a later date. But keep in mind that the application deadline is a month earlier this year!


While it might be nice to know how many people are on each waitlist and where you rank - I'm glad we aren't told! Can you imagine the pain in knowing that you were the first person NOT to be accepted come August 28? Or what if you knew you were last on the list and gave up hope only to later be called in? It's so tempting to want to know everything and to micromanage - but let's just try to enjoy our summer! After all, it may be our last summer before we enter medical school!


Well, this is what I have heard and what I think. I hope this is of some help.


I wish you all the best of luck!

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Guest eg77

Thanks for the informative post Faith. I agree with your last comment but it's still so freakin hard!!!

As for the IP waitlist, I have no clue which site I'm waitlisted for. Did you message section or email attachment say which site you're waitlisted for?

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Guest canstowski

we were told of our positions on the waitlist during the 2004 application process. THey just basically told us if we were on the top or bottom half of whichever waitlist.


I personally think this was a JUST thing to do. People on the bottom half of the waitlist probably need to make other plans for the upcoming year. These plans may include working overseas, or signing a contract to work for a year. Personally, i can't wait until end of august before i make my plans and no doubt some of these opportunities require me to commit well in advance.


I'm not sure if they have changed the policy or whatnot but i definitely did not obtain my waitlist ranking through secretive means...

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Guest nostalg

yeah, I also think we should at least know if we're in the top/bottom half of the waitlist. I don't know why the admissions office is being so secretive about this.


I don't know how everyone else is feeling, but I feel like I'm stuck...I don't know whether I should start making future plans, or just wait it out.

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Guest UAgrad

Hi guys,

I'm in the same boat. My feeling is that you should start acting on your "plan B", whatever that may be...finding a job, applying for more school, doing whatever it is you need to do to either find something else that inspires and motivates you in life, or strengthen your application for next year. I know it sucks to be offered a job (etc.) then to have to turn it down if you get in, but in the end you have to make the best decisions for yourself, and in my view, waiting til the last minute of the end of August then finding yourself completely without a plan is not the best idea. But either way, hang in there...at least a few of us will get good news, right?

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Guest whynotme1432

I must admit, thank you to all of you for making this forum great. It has helped me cope with the rejection from UBC. For those who were rejected from UBC like me I just wanted to let you all know that I found a site dedicated just for those students re-applying to UBC. Its:futuremedstudents.com



Want to help my fellow re-applying UBC students. Good luck next year and hope you all get in.




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Guest 55Tony

Hello All


Just wanted to let you know that the waitlist is moving.


I got a call from MD admissions and have been offered an OOP spot.



Don't lose hope!!!!!!

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Guest wing1

Congrats!!! Thanks for letting us all know there's hope! Did they tell you which location you're being offered a spot at? Did they give you a week or two to tell them if you're going to accept?

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Guest 55Tony

Yes I got accepted to the Vancouver Fraser Site


To expedite the process they wanted to know right away if I was going to accept.

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Guest Air Mufasa

Hey Guys.


I got a phone call from admissions saying that I was also pulled off the OOP waitlist. So 2 ezboarders in a span of just over 1 hour! There is definitely hope. I'm debating intensely between UBC and U of A (which I have already accepted). I'll let everyone know of my decision, which I plan to make by Wednesday.





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