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Registration package

Guest shetland23

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Guest shetland23

With regards to the Criminal Record Check, it said two copies are required, does that mean I will have to fill out page 2 of the CRC twice? I am so confused.


Do you send the CRC to UBC or to the address on CRC form?


What did you put on page 2 part one on CRC form which says governing body licence or registration?

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Guest cause2003

Unless I'm reading it wrong, I filled out page 2 and made a photocopy. I'm going to send the forms to UBC (because it was one of items listed to send back to them) and I left the governing body ect.. feild blank.

Hope that helps,


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Guest tigerlily

I was confused about that too, since it said something about sending it to the College of Physicians and Surgeons Licensing Body (anybody else intimidated when they read that?! LOL.) but then UBC said they had to receive two copies, with the payment. So I sent two copies of the CRC page and the payment to UBC. I left governing body blank too.

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Guest shetland23

thanks you guys. i was so confused about the two copies.


also with the transcript... what happens if you graduated last year... do you have to resend two transcripts??


tiger did you send one to the college of physicians too?

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Guest tigerlily

Nope, I just sent them to UBC (I figured it was early enough that I've still got lots of time for them to tell me if I screwed up!). You only have to send in more transcripts if you've taken courses since you applied (ie, I took one course this year so am sending in proof that it's done). But if you weren't in school this year you should be set.

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Guest shetland23

do you guys know when they will send out the acceptance package (this is after you paid the deposit)?? i may be going away and would like to get my health declaration (ie blood check, immunization done)

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Guest tigerlily

I was wondering about that too, Shetland. From some of the other message boards from last year it looked like they were sent out in mid-June?? But student loan stuff has to be done by the end of June at the latest and I think many of us will be going a little insane trying to figure out where we're going to live, etc. I imagine that they'll let us know what the plan is over the next week or so though - I'm sure they're familiar with how excited/stressed most new students are!

For any of you already in med school - do you remember how long it took for you to get your package? (Not that any of us is excited, or anything) ;)

Speaking of student loans - my friends are trying to convince me to try and take out a loan from a bank now, just to see how much they'd be willing to give me... and then go in once I have my acceptance letter in hand and see how much it changes! LOL. Oh the joys...

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Guest shetland23



I am going to email them tomorrow to see if they have received my cheques and the forms we filled out and then ask when the registration package is going to come. I am also going to apply for a student loan. Try Royal Bank... they gave me 150 K Line of Credit. Where are you planning to live?


If anyone have more info about the registration package... please post.





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Guest shetland23

Hi I just spoke to Samantha and she said when they receive our forms and deposit it will be updated online.


I also spoke to Helen and she said a student had got the registration package already. Have anyone received it yet??


I havent. I will check my mailbox tonight and tomorrow. Please post if you have recieved it. Thanks



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Guest tigerlily

Hey Jackie,

Wow. RBC gave you 150K line of credit?! I can't even fathom that much money, LOL. Kind of scary that we'll need it, eh? I'm not sure where I'm going to live yet, but at this point I think I'm leaning towards near VGH. I like to be settled and would rather not have to move again next year. Plus there's a direct B-line bus to UBC and it doesn't take very long. But then again, it would be handy to live on campus and not have to wake up quite so early! LOL. I am *not* a morning person. So... I'm not sure yet. You?

I wouldn't worry too much about not getting your registration package. I haven't either, but I'm sure they'll all be sent out this week. I'd give it til next week before worrying too much! For now, just enjoy the fact that you are finally where you've been wanting and preparing to be for a long time!



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Guest shetland23

tiger, well i didnt really prepare very much. i was kinda having a good time living in Whistler. i didnt expect to get in as its my first time applying and i have a 75% and i didnt really volunteer... most of the stuff i do is paid. its a miracle i got in. i am very thankful. i wish i know my interviewers so i can send them a thank you card.

I havent found a place yet. are you from vancouver. sorry i am abit drunk. i was at the landmark hotel for the Diabetes Director Seminar.

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Guest tigerlily

Hahaha! great post :) I think it's a miracle that we all got in, really. But then I'm one of those "everything happens for a reason" people, which I really had to hold on to after I was rejected last time.

I'm not from Vancouver, so I'm not sure exactly how to go about doing the house hunt. I'm from Victoria, so I'll probably do a lot of it online and then maybe take some trips over to the mainland closer to August.

Sounds like you had a fun night! Do you at least get to sleep in tomorrow?


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Guest shetland23

write me if u need a place to crash


No i have to go now 7am for breakfast and the seminar last until 5pm. long day.

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Guest tigerlily

Ooo! It says my stuff is received! :) Excellent, hopefully that means the registration package is on it's way. Have you received yours yet?

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Guest csp0304

Hmm... There's no mention of the $300 deposit on mine.


It says the following,

"19May06 - xx

To confirm, we have received the following:-

Response to offer

CPSBC - Medical Student for Registration application

Two signed and compelted CRC forms

Money order for $20.

Thank you. "


What does it say in your messages section?

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Guest tigerlily

Above the "message" section (which you showed in your message), should be "Application Status: Offer" and above that, "Acceptance Deposit: Received". I had trouble finding mine at first too! :)

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Guest Persistent

My status changed the same day. I handed it in around 330pm on Friday and it was updated that evening when I checked. So give it a day.

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Guest hiredhelp

Thanks for the reassurances. I handed mine in at 1 PM to day and it's now updated to show everything as received as the previous poster. However it didn't say anything about my transcripts, anyone actually have the admissions office write transcripts in the message box?


btw how long after do you guys get your registration package by snailmail?

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