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Guest shetland23

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Guest shetland23

Do you know if we register online or register with the package we are about to get? This would mean I would have to be near an internet source once again ;) . Also please look my previous post about the 100 deposit. Thank you :)

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Guest GundamDX

At SSC, if you click on Resigration, it'll take you to another screen that displays the same msg saying you can register on July 5. There's also a line in blue saying you must register for a STT first. If you click on Standard Time Table on your left, you can find MD then click on Year 1 to check your schedule. It looks like it's got everything there, but I am not sure if we need to add more courses on top of that STT (there's a 7:30 am start !!!! :\ )

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Guest GundamDX

hey shetland, I think that $100 is for UBC Enrollment Service, so just like any normal registration we need to pay that $100 deposit first. Not sure if the $300 we paid to UBC Med will go towards our tuition, hopefull it does!

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Guest shetland23


Mine doesnt have a blue line saying about registering for a STT :\

Should I be worried?

How do I register for STT??


I guess they will schedule our classes for us. We seem to have alot of ORNT, DPAS and FMED classes. Please correct me, if I am wrong.


I wish they would give out instructions on how to do this, as it seem a bit confusing. but, thank you so much for the help :)



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Guest GundamDX



I don't think you should worry about it... maybe we are talking about diff. pages here :P i think what happens is when you're able to resiger you can just add that STT (like the one you're browsing) on the spot.



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Guest GundamDX



When you're in SSC click on registration, it should take you to the page that displays the following:


Name: Student No.: Session: 2006 Winter Close Window

Campus: UBC Vancouver Program: MD Year Level: 1

Registration Status: Blocked

Registration Status: You have not paid your acceptance deposit.. $100.00 is still outstanding. Your registration is not open yet. Your date and time is Wed. July 5, 2006 at 7:00 AM. If you have any questions, please contact Enrolment Services at 604.822.2844 or email records.inquiry@ubc.ca.

Note: You must register in a Standard Timetable before individual sections.


The last sentence is shown in blue...



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Guest shetland23

Hey G


I got all of the above except the "you must register in Standard Timetable" note. They probably left that out. But thanks for letting me know.


We should all get together and register for CPR C together, that would be fun.


What are your summer plans??


Enjoy the sunshine



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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest shetland23



I didnt get a blue line saying "you must register in Standard Timetable". I am concerned that I wont be able to register in STT on July 5th. Anyone have a similar problem or does everyone have the blue sentence?


This is what I have :



Registration Status: Blocked

Registration Status: Your registration is not open yet. Your date and time is Wed. July 5, 2006 at 7:00 AM. If you have any questions, please contact Enrolment Services at 604.822.2844 or email records.inquiry@ubc.ca.





Program: This is a summary of your degree as it stands in the selected session. Here you can view and/or switch your programs (if you have multiple eligibilities) and view and change your selected specializations.





Eligibilities for session 2006W:

Select Session Category Program Status Year Level My Registration Begins Campus

2006W DEGR Doctor of Medicine ELIG 1 2006-07-05 07:00 UBC Vancouver





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Guest GundamDX

hey shetland,


I think as long as you are "eligible" I think your status will be unlocked. Interesting, my time WAS 7 am too but it was changed to 11:30 am about a week ago.


Here's what I have:


Name: Student No.: Session: 2006 Winter

Campus: UBC Vancouver Program: MD Year Level: 1

Registration Status: Blocked

Registration Status: Your registration is not open yet. Your date and time is Wed. July 5, 2006 at 11:30 AM. If you have any questions, please contact Enrolment Services at 604.822.2844 or email records.inquiry@ubc.ca.

Note: You must register in a Standard Timetable before individual sections.


hummmmmmm :P

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Guest shetland23

Hey G


Thats a mistake. Its supposed to be 7am. Please call them to fix it. They fixed my time... but they are having computer problems at the moment... and they still havent included the line which said about my STT.


Thank you for replying.



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Guest dr nomis

Are you sure that's an error? Mine reads the same - it used to be 7am and in the same statement asked for a $100 reg fee; now, it says:


"Registration Opening Date(s) for 2006 Winter

Your first day to register in the M.D. program at UBC Vancouver is 05 Jul 2006, beginning at 11:30 AM."


I was able to select the standard timetable and add it to my workspace no problem


(Cause - this can be found by logging in at students.ubc.ca/ssc)

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Guest GundamDX



I think dr_nomis didn't actually register, he/she just added the STT to his/her workspace... i think that option is like a worksheet so you can work out your timetable; it's not the actual registration.



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Guest shetland23

Hey Dx and DrN


I talked to my friend, who just finished year 2 and he told me not to worry about it, as they will do everything for you, like if you dont register they will contact you and get you to register.


Aparently they will send us a code to type in for registration.



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Guest nickets

Hi everyone, I just checked my financial account on the UBC student services website, and it said I have a 300.00 tuition credit.:P So that $300.00 we all paid is put to good use!

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Guest dr nomis

I am going to REGISTER EARLY, as SOON as I am allowed. I HOPE THERE IS SPACE IN THE CLASSES... it would SUCK to get WAITLISTED for class...



(i hope this disclaimer revealing the above as sarcasm isn't necessary)

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Guest GundamDX

dr nomis... try to get a friend that has an earlier reg. time and save a spot for ya... we might have to email them to get on the waitlist... :(



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Guest Roxy

Why do you need someone to hold a space for you? I thought they have spaces for all 224 of us. I am getting really nervous now. My registration time is also changed from 7am to 11:45am. Is it possible that 7am is for the Island & Northern BC students? Should I call the admissions office tomorrow?

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Guest Persistent

Don't worry roxy, Dr. Nomis and Gundam are just being sarcastic! There are ample seats for our classes and you don't have to worry about reg dates or times. They are probably just scattering the times so that we don't overload the system by 224 students registering at the same time. There is no advantage of having an earlier time.


Don't worry!




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Guest shetland23



I got this message when I tried to register for my SST:


Standard Timetable: 94335 - Year 1 undergraduate MD

STT 94335: Adding this course will either exceed the maximum number of credits for this session, or registration in Distance Education courses is not permitted.


Students should consult their Faculty for assistance.


Nyone have similar problems? Please advice.



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Guest Persistent

Hey Shet,


I think that's normal. I don't think the system acknowledges differences in programs with regards to the maximum credits one can register for. I'm pretty sure we're all going to get that warning. Or maybe once we actually register that warning will disappear. I suspect you received that warning when you did the "test registration". As long as it says the add was successful I don't think we need to worry.






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