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Guest Persistent

Out of curiosity, do we really have 7:30am starts on Tuesdays all throughout Term 1... or is this just for orientation week?


After 1st year physics at 8am I've never taken an 8am start... I'm so not a morning person!! :rolleyes





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Guest TKP 123

Dont worry about the schedule from SSC.


They will give you schedules once school starts. Every week is different but for some courses, you have the same schedule throughout the term.

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Guest Adversary

No man. When you get into 3rd year, you don't get weekends off either. While I admire the dedication and perseverance of your profession, I am happy not to be one of them! I can't imagine how hard life will be for you guys until you're done. Just don't give up. There's a shortage of doctors already. Can't afford to lose even one!

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I'm going into 3rd year, as far as I know, we get weekends off, sometimes you may be on call, but in general you do get weekends off.


I sure hope that's the case.

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