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UBC - White Coat Ceremony?

Guest dr nomis

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Guest dr nomis

Does UBC hold a White Coat Ceremony for students entering their medical school?


I've just started hearing about some other schools that do this and am very interested.


For those of you who don't know what it is:


The white coat ceremony is a relatively new ritual in the USA that marks entrance into medical school and more recently also podiatric medical school, dental school, pharmacy school and some allied health professions. It originated in Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1993 and involves a formal "robing" or "cloaking" of incoming medical students (and now other types of students) in (laboratory) white coats, the garb physicians have traditionally worn for over 100 years and other health professions have adopted.


adapted from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whi...t_Ceremony

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Guest dr nomis

I'm not thinking of the same thing...apparently some schools have an actual ceremony outside of the games and drinking. I have heard of the "orientation" week. and I'm stoked. Apparently everyone goes camping on some island, too, where they all play games and go drinking on an island.

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Guest leviathan

The White Coat Ceremony sounds a little bit pompous. It would be better suited for graduation when you can actually know what you're doing while wearing it. ;)

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Guest ssc427
The White Coat Ceremony sounds a little bit pompous. It would be better suited for graduation when you can actually know what you're doing while wearing it.


I don't think it's pompous at all and I'm sad UBC doesn't have one. The whole reason Columbia started it is because their students started seeing patients first year (like everywhere else these days). So they wanted students to recite the oath before starting, not after graduation, and they made a ceremony out of it.

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