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Canucks trade

Guest ubcparamedic

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Guest ubcparamedic

Wow I cant believe they gave up Bertuzzi, Allen and Auld for Luoungo and Krucek. Auld I dont care about but giving up Big Bert, and Bryan Allen who was an up and coming defender is a big blockbuster trade for one goalie. Well at least our goalie problems are solved, its sad to see Big Bert leave, I still remember the times when The West Coast Express as they were known, was the best line in the NHL

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Guest leviathan

They were paying Bertuzzi way too much for the @#%$ performance he was giving. I wouldn't want to risk another US $5M on a player who only performed well once every five games in this past season. Maybe he'll get his sh*# together with the Panthers and prove me wrong.

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Guest ubcparamedic

yea its good for him to get a fresh start in a location in which the media and the fans wont be constantly scolding him. Too bad Luongo is an unrestricted free agent next year, Nonis better sign him, if we lose him after a year this could be one of the worst trades ever

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Guest GundamDX

The 44-7-19 line was the best line in hockey for like ONE season :P hehe; besides, LEV said it... With Bert's salary we should have gotten way more out from him!


My question is who is going to pick Cloutier (the beachball stopper) ????? :P

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well with luongo signed, I wonder if he'll actually deliver. I think Nonis is doing too much handwaving in terms of the changes. Since Crawford was gone, I think he should have let the top line remain until Xmas to see if they will work better now under the new coach (Because Bert had 'issues' with Crawford, and I wonder if that came into the equation of his performance - we'll never know). Then again if everything works out fine it won't matter if we know what the original problem was.


Here's to a successful new season!

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Guest ubcparamedic

Yes I agree with Zen, Bert had a lot of issues with Crawford. Most of the stemmed from the fact that Crawford told Bert to take out Moore, and when that unlucky incident occurred, Bert took all the heat, and Crawford lurked in the shawdows. Bert is an amazing player and I cant wait to see what he does this year.

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