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Does anyone know when school starts for UBC Med 2?

Guest TKP 123

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Guest TKP 123

Hi there, I just wonder if anyone knows when the first day of school will be for Med 2 students this year? If not, how about for Med 2 students last year?


Another question:

For students who have experienced rural practice after Med 2, when and how long do you have to practice in rural areas? How much time is left after the rural practice? A month or less than that?


Sorry for the bunch of questions :eek

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Guest Adversary

Since we share 90% of the same courses (I'm in Dentistry), we should have the same start date. According to the updated calendar on the Dentistry web site, it's Monday, August 28th.

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Guest Kels2004

Hey there,

On my rural practice in Princeton now ;) (It's been awesome!).

You need to do 4 weeks in either June, July or Aug (most of the placements are in June, and it's your choice, but it's a lottery, so usually you get what month you want... there were just a handful this year that got july rather than june)...


Anyways - you need to do 4 weeks, but can extend it if you would like. You still have about 7 weeks of holidays to enjoy non-med stuff after the placement!

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