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Guest SeanSakian

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Guest dr nomis

I know that they don't "look at" (a.k.a. take information from) your previous application if you have applied before. I'm not sure if this means they literally throw them out or simply don't refer to them; I assume they would keep them for plagiarism purposes etc. or something. Don't know the facts.


Even if they do throw them out, though, they do know if you applied before, because you have to indicate on your application if and when you've applied before.

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Guest Persistent

No you don't get any real points (ie. a numerical point value) for applying again. But, personally I think it is to your advantage to apply even before you really want to start because:


1) EXPERIENCE. Going through the application process at least once really helps you perfect your "real" application.


2) Say you get an interview, that is AWESOME because what better way to practice for the "real" interview than to actually go through one!


3) Yes, they do NOT consider your file when you reapply, but they will know whether you've applied again. This (I hear) is supposed to show the committee that you really want this. That you've been willing to wait another year for Medicine because this is truly what you want to do [note: when I say "wait" that doesn't mean you can't be doing other things during that time... you can even pursue another back up career path... just be careful because you'll need to be able rationalize this choice in your future application(s)].


4) You get feedback on what the breakdown of your scores are and you can work on improving them right away. Also, this gives you an opportunity to have a "first draft" of your essay which you can then improve for your "real" application based on the feedback.


5) After going through the application greater than one time really proves to yourself how committed you are to this choice and it gives you the opportunity to evaluate if this is really what you want to do, where you want to do it and at what cost. [personal experience: I applied 3 times... after my 2nd rejection it was really the time for me to decide whether to persist with ubc or to go out of the country. I realized that part of my goal to become a doctor was to be able to practice in Canada... This is MY home and I want to be sure I can come back!! So I was willing to give it another try (actually I was willing to give it 2 more tries at that point, but luckily I don't have to go to my 4th application:rollin )]


So, all in all, I think it's absolutely a great idea to apply in third year...as long as you don't get discouraged by the possible rejection(s).



Hope that helps SeanSakian!!



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Guest Persistent

hmm... good question Gundam... I had even replied to it and already I've forgotten what the question was... ok let me think....




something about whether you get points for reapplying to UBC...and whether it is a good idea to apply in 3rd year although your real intention is to get in after getting your degree. Something along those lines at least.




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