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anyone have taken ANAT 391?

Guest smooth operater

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Guest smooth operater

I am planning to take ANAT 391 as my elective.


Is the course interesting and worth the time taking?


And what was the class average when you took it with Dr. Roskelley?



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Guest GundamDX

Lots of info. I guess it'd be useful later on (I'll find out next year). Midterm was easy. I did bad though. Final was extremely difficult (most would say that) Average was 76%. If you study hard and spend enough time on it, 85 is guaranteed.

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Guest leviathan

I took it this year, and the average was 76%. Very interesting course if you are interested in life sciences and learning tons of detail about how the body functions from an anatomical perspective. I thought it was going to be a class full of pure memorization of lists of arteries, nerves, bones, muscles, etc...but it was actually a bit more than that because we learned how things tied together to function as a unit, lots of clinically relevant info, etc. There was also the optional lab component which was really cool.


The midterm was easy, but I BOMBED the final. Ended up with a grade lower than the class avg when I expected a 90+ after doing that midterm. :\

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Guest GundamDX

the optional "lab" is probably the best part of the course :P but I didnt bother to register for those coz I was too busy. You actually get to see real body parts.

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Guest leviathan

the optional "lab" is probably the best part of the course :P but I didnt bother to register for those coz I was too busy. You actually get to see real body parts.

You missed out! It was very intriguing and it helped me to see things in 3D (well, no kidding). I was like, "Hey, there's the coronary arteries! There's the vagus nerve! Wow, when I landmark for CPR here like I've been trained I'm RIGHT over the apex of the heart!" etc etc ad nauseum. :D

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Guest GundamDX

lol NICE

too bad the final was such a bixch... or else it would have been a very good course lol then again I am just whining about the marks.

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Guest angelcali

I thoroughly enjoyed the course. We only had one midterm (mostly MC, some short answer) and the final (same format but alot longer) was a bit more challenging--but if you studied alot you can do well too. I'd say almost 95% of the material examined is from lecture material and the rest seemed to be random stuff pulled out of relevant chapters in the textbook.

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Guest leviathan

Yeah, I was REALLY unhappy with the final. But, oh well. I think anatomy & physiology will give you a big leg up in medical school. I also took pathology 390 which was an easy A+ and I learned a lot from that course that will probably be helpful in the future, as well.

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Guest smooth operater

mmm, 76% average is not too bad. most of my class averages are like 71%.


I don't think pathology 390 is offered this year. what's the course description for pathology 390.


if you know good easy and informative elective to take at UBC, please let me know too. ;)

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Guest ubcparamedic

Hey I think leviathin meant he took Path 375 and just typed in 390 by accident. I remember him mentioning that class before, but I am sure he will clarify whenever he gets the chance.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest smooth operater

hey Levi, may I ask what was the class average for path 375 and in which year did you take it?


Also, anyone have taken PCTH 325 Rational Basis of Drug Therapy taught by Shabbits, Jennifer and Bardal, Stan ? If so, how was this course? Thanks

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Guest leviathan

woah, that's very high. Who actually taught that course? Is that course known as a GPA booster type of course?

Dr. Mike Nimmo teaches it at UBC hospital. You should be able to draw whatever conclusions you need from the class average about being a "GPA booster". Ultimately I would recommend taking the course because it's interesting, not because it will help your grades.

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Guest shetland23

levi, how do you know what electives to pick, i thought our schedule is standardised... do we act have time to pick extra electives?

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Guest avenir001

shetland, they're talking about what electives to take in undergrad ie prior to admission to med school...not something u lucky ppl have to worry about anymore :P:)

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Guest physiology



ANAT 391 is a great course to take. Dr. Vogl teaches some sections and he also lectures in our medical curriculum. He's a wonderful artist and his lectures are best appreciated in real-time (ie. right then and there, not the night before the exam).


One thing though - try to take ANAT 391 the year BEFORE you start med school. I have some pharmacy friends who took the course 3 or 4 years ago, and it didn't really help them much.


Anatomy is a course where you definitely forget at least 50% of the material, unless you're constantly reviewing.

Unfortunately, even in a clinical setting, you don't apply the anatomy you learn in most situations. In fact, most of the anatomy that is impotant is surface anatomy, which is poorly taught in UBC's medical curriculum.



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Guest smooth operater

hello guys,


I also would like to take CLST 301: The Technical Terms of Medicine and Biological Science. Do you guys think it's a good idea to take this course while taking ANAT 301?

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Guest Paulchemguy

ahhh Clst301. It's a pure memorizatoin course.


Anyone got any other interesting/not too difficult elective that's 300+ level, that they would like to recommend?

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Guest avenir001

Hey I took CLST 301 in 2005 and the class avg was 83%. I'd say it's an easy course compared to many others, more so if you're good at memorizing. I stopped going to lecture after the first couple weeks and on several occasions started studying for the tests the night before and still ended up with an A+. But the tests are cumulative and cramming is very stressful and not recommended bcuz the material just builds up and might drive you insane :P Overall, as the prof once said, this course is similar to a language course where you learn new vocab and rules/grammar. I think most ppl would do very well studying ~3-4 times a week for half an hour each time.

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