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Guest goodgye

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Guest goodgye

I've never taken out a student loan before. I'm going to take out a BC student loan for sept., but this amount won't cover tuition for me. Does anyone know how UBC determines how much bursary mone they give you? How much can one typically expect to receive??

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Guest Kels2004

Hi there,

You need to have filled out and received BCSAP to be eligible for the general faculty of med bursaries, I believe... based on the BCSAP calculations, you will have an amount of "unmet need" (usually this is where the LOC comes in, if you don't have a lot of savings). I believe students then get ranked by the faculty based on this "unmet need"... more need = more bursaries... the amount given out ranges from 0 - 8000 and everything in between, I believe... If you have a working spouse, that usually drops your unmet need a lot - if you're single with little assets, you likely qualify for a larger amount.... hard to say. The bursaries don't come out for a while though, so don't count on them for september tuition...

Good luck.


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