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Official letter of offer

Guest GundamDX

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Guest GundamDX

Hi guys, I haven't gotten mine yet... I live on campus so I suppose I should be one of the first ones to get it (campus mail works the fastest). But when you've gotten it please let others know?:P thanks.

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Guest tigerlily

I was wondering if anybody had yet... being on the island I figured I'd get mine a few days after you mainlanders. Haven't gotten anything yet! :) Thanks for updating, Gundam. (Interesting name, btw, LOL).

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Guest dr nomis

This was posted on the SABB-10 e-mail bulletin board on May 29:






Do you know when the official letter confirming our acceptance will be sent out?




Answer (directly from Admissions just moments ago)


For those who have submitted their response to offer as of Friday, May 26th, we are working on them now, we aim to have them posted in the mail before end of the week.


For those who submit their response to offer sometime this week, they will go out next week.

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Guest Persistent

I got the same letter as shetland today in the mail. As mentioned by shetland it just thanks you for accepting the offer and acknowledges the deposit of $300. The it goes on to explaining a bit of what to expect in the registration package. I am taking this to be the official acceptance letter although it doesn't sound too much like one.



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Guest shetland23

I agree.


P. you reckon that this is the letter to use to apply for student loans, scholarships and line of credit?

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Guest GundamDX

Did you guys submit new trsnscripts? I suspect that for ppl sending in new transcipts it'll take them longer coz they have to look at your new grades and make sure you averages didnt fall >5%? :\ ?

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Guest Persistent

Yes I sent in my transcripts. I don't think mine took a long time to determine my average couldn't have gone down by >5% considering I only took one course and did better than my average. My transcript was received on May 25th btw.



I'm sure most of you will get it sometime next week. The BCSAP application is not out till June 5th (I think) anyways so now worries. Plus I don't think you need the letter for BCSAP. I think you only need it for the LOC.




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Guest tigerlily

Yep, just got mine too. Exciting because it says "Faculty of Medicine" and you know it's a good thing, LOL, but somewhat anticlimactic! :D Now I can't wait for the registration package... :lol

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