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GPA question

Guest jake87

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Guest jake87

Hey there - I was looking around and it seemed that UBC is one of the few schools that actually calculate your mark out in percentages. I know a friend who studied at UofA and she said all their marks are shown as GPA's..


that said, a 75-80% isn't that uncommon for admitted med students at UBC. However, if you convert that to GPA (3.3-3.5 range), that isn't competitive at all for other universities!!! Other schools in Canada require at least a 3.7 to be considered (and i'm not even talking about out-of-province applicants yet).


Do you think its because the UBC grading system is that much harder and it's at a disadvantage when converted to the GPA system?? Or am I just finding ways to try to reassure myself of my sucky marks??? :P

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Guest GundamDX

I seriously doubt UBC's grading scheme is any diff. than other schools... regarding how accurately it'll reflect the students' performance. You are right about a 80% avg at UBC doesn't = 3.7 in OMSAS. I personally think the conversion is unfair because for example, why A+ is 4.0 and A is 3.9, A- is 3.7?

At UBC these grades are equal to 90%, 85%, and 80%, but but it's harder for UBC students to get a higher OMSAS GPA because of the weird conversion. When you go down the scale it's even worse! 3.3 is B+ (75%) and B is 3.0 (70%). This means you cannot have any bad grades on your transcript because that will bring your GPA down big time. I am just glad UBC Med look at marks as they are, not on any converted 4.0 scales.

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Guest treehuggingbiologist

Talon01 I believe thats for people applying from UBC to Ontario schools - not vice versa. In which case they get screwed like the rest of us.. The conversion table that UBC uses would be on their website. Or the BC equivilent of OUAC if they have one.


I don't like the 3.3 to 3.7 drop. It means even if you're consistent, but towards the higher B+ to lower A- end of things, you get screwed royally.

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Guest GundamDX

I think we're not talking about getting into UBC... we're saying we get screwed by the OMSAS conversion scale if you get one or two bad marks on your transcript. For example, you have B+ and an A+, 75% and 90%, the average between the two is 82.5%, a solid A-. In OMSAS, that should be at least a 3.7 right? Heck no. The A+ is 4.0, but the B+ is 3.3, so the avreage is 3.65. That 0.05 difference goes a LOOOONG way because that's what happens to all of your grades on your transcript when it's coverted to OMSAS. I have an A average from UBC, but my OMSAS is not even 3.8 :P

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Guest jake87

that kinda sucks. limits a lot of my options, and i think most schools go by that conversion. even the states i'm guessing. it seems that ubc is the only one stuck on the % grade...


esp. since my first yr prereqs are mostly 75%... hopefully i'll improve in the next few years... :S

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