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IMP class of 2010

Guest ssc427

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Guest ssc427

Are there any climbers out there joining IMP this year? If so will you be on the Island this summer? My usual climbing partner (my wife) is out of commission (having a baby). I’m stuck in Victoria working this summer so if you are interested in developing a great way to channel med school stress pm me.


Disclaimer: while I love climbing I’m fat, old and slow so if you are the kind of person who onsights 5.13+ you’ll need extra patience with me:) (I climb 5.11's when fit, which I'm currently not)

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Guest tigerlily

Hey ssc,

I have always wanted to learn to climb, but have only done it once or twice. So, even fat, old, and slow, you're ahead of me! But if you just want the company and wouldn't mind passing on your knowledge to a complete novice, I'm game. I'm going to VFMP but am in Victoria now until mid-August.

Do you climb indoors or outdoors?


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