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Places to Rent

Guest tigerlily

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Guest tigerlily

Ok, so I've been looking online for places near VGH, and a friend of mine who's in Vancouver doing her nursing degree told me about this website: vancouver.craiglist.org

Feel free to search it yourself, or check out some of the links below. The first two have showings tomorrow (Sat) so if you're interested, you better hurry! I know that it's a little early to be looking but I figured, if I'm going to be living there for 4 years, I can pay an extra month or two off the bat to secure the right place. Besides, I'm going to be paying off my loans for the rest of my life anyway, LOL. Some of them are out of my price range but I figured I'd put them up so that others can take a peek. Most would require a roommate so... ahem... ummmmm... anybody want to be my friend?! :rollin I promise I'm mostly housetrained; I only pee on the floor when I'm *really* scared!

Anyway, here are the links:











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