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IMP UBC vs Uof C?

Guest puddlediver

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Guest puddlediver

Anyone there has this choice, or has had it? If you chose UBC, why?


Ive been out of school for four years; Ive done the travelling and had my down time already so dont feel I need (as much) those extra summer months that you get in a four year program. I dont have a significant other and love my family but dont need to be next door...I think I have a clear idea of what sort of things I want to do with medicine (but who knows really til I start). I want to save money. I loved the chill vibe at Calgary and I keep hearing its a "fun town".


Buuut...I got into the IMP and I already *know* I looove Victoria. Plus I might want that extra time to stay in electives.


So a few questions, as this is a tough call.


1) is it really that much cheaper to do 3 years? Any estimates there on how much UBC has cost you in a given year- including everything? anyone in the same boat as me who has already compared the cost differences between the two?


2) Again, to anyone who knows the differences between the two, why would you choose UBC?

Is the PBL concentration about the same?


3) How have people in the IMP found the video conferencing lecture style? THe community welcome? The diversity of clinical experience in the hospital? The small class sizes? I have no doubt you have positive things to say about all of them, as Ive talked to some happy IMPers. So gimme some BAD, please.


4) anything else that anyone who has looked into both can add. please.

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Guest tigerlily

I talked to a fairly recently graduated doc about 3 vs. 4 year programs and she said she couldn't imagine doing 3 years. She seemed to think that 4 years was barely enough! You need some time in there to discover REALLY what you want to do, be exposed to things, etc. But that's just *her* opinion... I wouldn't know myself. But thought I'd pass it along :)

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Guest defenestrater

As a current IMPer who at one time was facing the same choice as you, I have nothing but raves about going to Med school in Victoria. It's (as you know) a wonderful city, small enough to be comfortable, big enough that there's always something to do, you can bike all year, and the ocean is right nearby! The medical community here in Vic has been amazingly supportive (many of them volunteer their time to talk with us/throw parties--some even at the Empress--for us/take us out to dinner), and as a first year, I know I'm only scratching the surface of their committment to making these 4 years some of the best of our lives! The video conferencing is not a problem at all, the system has been up and running for a couple of years now, so the bugs have been pretty much worked out, and I've never had a problem contacting a prof or asking questions.


I think the real selling point for the IMP is the fact that you are one in 24, not 1 in 100+ out here. Believe me, that makes a huge difference if you need help in gross anatomy (I was in Vancouver for the first 4 months of this year...just like you'll be if you chose to come tot he IMP...and it was nearly impossible to get timely help in the labs). Everything is just so available here! We have all kinds of wonderful support staff who have made it clear that they'll go to great lengths to help us out. Also, you really get to know your classmates, which is pretty cool.


I have a friend who went to Calgary, and he raved about his experiences there. 3 years is great for some people if you're willing to buckle down and do it (I know I'm desperately looking forward to my summer vacation after 20 weeks of classes this semester). Personally, I like the idea of being here for 4 years, because transitioning from some-undergrad-who-knows-nothing to doctor is going to take time, effort, and a lot of adjustment. I guess I'm biased, but that in itself should tell you something.


I'm sure you'll be happy whatever you chose, a medical education in Canada (anywhere in Canada) is a wonderful thing. Enjoy it!

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Guest ssc427

Do you climb, scuba dive, run or play squash. If yes chose IMP!


Why? I’ll be in your class and I’ll be looking for partners for all of the above.

I also had a few offers this year (though UofC was not one of them) and am feeling very happy about choosing IMP. This has got to be one of the most beautiful places to study medicine in the world! Not to mention cheap burger Monday's at Maudes. If that's not a good enough reason I don't know what is.:)

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