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so do we find out...

Guest tigerlily

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Guest tigerlily

...how our applications were graded? I know you do if you don't get accepted, but I'd really like to find out what the most significant differences were in comparison with my last application. Plus how I did on the interview, etc. Or is all of that sort of locked in a vault at the bottom of an abyss somewhere on another planet?

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Guest hiredhelp

No if we got in, I don't see any advising sessions available to us. I think it may be to prevent ppl in class from thinking they're better than others....heh I know i'd be a little intimidated if I found out I was 224th to be accepted.

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Guest tigerlily

Sorry, my post was a little confusing. I didn't mean in terms of ranking all the applicants, I meant... will I find out how I personally scored (ie, out of 25 for each of the AQ and NAQ). And I'm not even sure how interviews are scored or anything. I'm more just interested to see how my points changed, and where those changes were. Thanks though! I agree - I don't want to know where in the group I was ranked, LOL. I remember being intimidated by all the "smart people" in first year university as it was - how much more so this time around! :)

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Guest Persistent

Hey Sarah,


They don't send out details on our scores if we get accepted. I suspect if we hassle them enough and speak of our right to information, they may give in...but the question is do you really want to start off your Med Career by annoying the admissions staff?!


I am extremely curious as well.... more so for the sake of future re-applicants so that I can tell them exactly what differences in my 2nd and 3rd applications constituted the difference in scores.

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Guest tigerlily

exactly! that's my thinking too. I had friends who didn't get an interview this year (as I didn't the first time I applied) and I'd like to see what made the biggest difference in my application so I can pass along the info. I certainly had great advice from med students when I was applying and I'd like to be able to pass that on! You need every chance you can get in this process...

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Guest atworknow

Quite honestly, I don't understand why you care about your scores after you get in? Or are you trying to show off?


I don't think you can compare your file with your friends who don't receive the interview at all. It is just totally different experience between you and your friends.

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Guest Persistent

Well, yes it can be thought of as pointless to want to know the scores once you're in... but to those who are in the rejected shoes right now (especially repeat applicants) every little bit of information helps in some way... I've been in those shoes and it does alleviate some stress when you know you're doing all that you can do to improve your next application. Talking to others and seeing how they managed to improve their scores does help. It may not tell them exactly what needs to be done, but it may just inspire them or give them some ideas. My best friend got in last year when I didn't. I know exactly the types of activities she did (a lot were the same as mine) and so it gave me a basis to make some important judgments and decisions. For one thing, because our ECs were similar and mine didn't score quite great and hers got her in, I could see that perhaps my presentation and delivery wasn't as effective as hers. I think you can learn a lot from other people's application process and scores...especially friends because you know what they've done and what similarities and differences you have.


But I do agree that it doesn't matter to the one who got in anymore. Or at least it shouldn't. The competition is no longer between us. It should be within us from this point on. But as I said, for the sake and sanity of repeat applicants I do understand tigerlily's position. But personally I wouldn't go through the trouble of annoying the Admissions to get this information through legalities.


Just my $0.03



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Guest tigerlily

wow, I guess sometimes it can be difficult to convey thoughts accurately on these boards. I was just curious if the marks were sent to us or not... and the only reason I cared was because I have friends who didn't get in who were asking. Persistent had it right on the nose. Nope, I don't plan on bothering anybody to find out what they were (I'd prefer to make friends with the admissions staff, LOL!)

I have a feeling my scores (or whatever) wouldn't be anything to brag about anyway. I know full well what my grades were like (NOT fantastic!) and that my ECs probably pushed me over the line... but for people who didn't get accepted this year, the difference between 0.5 and 2 marks might mean the difference between getting an interview or not. And since I didn't know if I'd find out, I thought I'd put the question out there. :)

And that is all. The end :D

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