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Chances of moving to first site choice from waitlist

Guest Melisende

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Guest Melisende

My first choice was VFMP. I got in at IMP and waitlisted and VFMP. Anyone know what the chances are that I will be moved from IMP to VFMP? Would it increase my chances if I decline the IMP offer and remain on the waitlist for VFMP? Any help would be appreciated.

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Guest TKP 123

I suggest you not to give up IMP offer if you really want to go to UBC medical school, as I highly suspect if it will increase your chance to the VFMP program.


In our class this year, there are some people who end up not getting their first choice. I am sure the list will move since some people who are accepted to VFMP may choose another medical school and give up that spot. I would suggest you wait.

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Guest jammyjams

Hi Melisande,


I didn't get my first choice of location either. In fact, I got my last choice. Does it say anything about being waitlisted at your first choice site on the online form or in your acceptance email? Just curious, because it doesn't in mine.

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Guest Melisende

The email that I received indicated that I was waitlisted at VFMP. Does anyone know how many people move up from the acceptance waitlist at UBC?

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Guest jammyjams

So basically this means that we will find out what site we end up getting right after may 31st once people give up their spots?? does this mean that we have to pay the deposit if we haven't found out by then?

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Guest jammyjams

Are there any current med students that were in this situation (wanting to switch locations) or knowing people who were in this situation out there? I would be really curious to hear about your experience with this. In particular, I'm wondering when you found out you got 'upgraded' to your preferred choices (if you were so lucky). Also, how exaclty do they prioritize people wanting to switch sites? Those who have the highest file review score get moved before those with lower scores?

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