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Guest tigerlily

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Guest tigerlily

Looks like the results really ARE coming today! I've been offered a spot - not sure which site yet. I'm still shaking :) Good luck to everyone still waiting!!!

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Guest TBell


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Guest tigerlily

I ranked Vancouver, Victoria, PG. You?


And Pari - don't give up! No idea how it's all done, but definitely don't concede until you know for sure. Hang in there! Fingers crossed for everyone who hasn't heard yet.

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Guest Brucybkidcapri

I got my results as well. What started as an attempt to keep my options open and chances better,,,,,,, has now manifested itself into a pretty tuff decision. Two months ago I was accepted to UBC dental and now UBC medical...I'm very excited although a little overwhelmed by the massive decision ahead of me..


Congratultions to everyone with positive news and good luck to everyone else still waiting...


I look forward to meeting everyone in Sept. (in one of the two programs)

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Guest grobz

TBELL!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you!!!!!! I am in Vancouver right now while my wife defends her doctorate or else i would call you!. Maybe later in the week.


You deserve it!!


now all I have to do is wait for my status to update so i can party or cry (I did get into Calgary and Western though).



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Guest ubcbiochemnerd

I am wondering for those of you who got in, what's ur last name? in province?

I am having a very hard time waiting here.

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Guest TBell

Congrats Grobz!!!!!! You are so amazing! I know 100% your application status is going to be updated to "offer" soon enough! I hope your wife does well today and definately call me when you get back so we can meet up! Tigerlily, I also ranked Van, Vic, PG. I hope to meet you soon!

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Guest jammyjams

wow. WOW. accepted, but to my last choice of location. not really an option for me. feeling pretty bummed.


anyone know if there is any way of getting on the waitlist for another site if you decline the spot at the site offered??

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Guest Lurkergonepublic

Hey Medsmurf,


I'm in!!! My first choice IMP. It is going to be a very difficult decision trying to choose between UBC and Calgary.


Come on now that's a no brainer. Go for the island! Think of the sun, the surf, the outdoors...


think of moving that UofC wait list along a little too...



(can you tell which waitlist I'm on? :lol )


Congrats and good luck on a tough choice!

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Guest jammyjams

"I think you are automaticall waitlisted for your first choice, but I'm not sure. What location did you get?"


NMP (see title of post above)


can anyone else confirm this?

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Guest medsmurf

Hey Lurker,


I would love to go home to Victoria...back to family and friends and the gorgeous, awesome city but the catch is my husband is a Resident here in Alberta and is stuck here for two more years. I am so grateful that I got accepted to 3 schools but this is going to be a very, very difficult decision.

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Guest FastEddy

Im feeling very strange...

no update for me yet.. seems like no one has gotten a rejection update yet... so... does that mean only those who have been accepted have been notified?

holy smokes, this is stressful.



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