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Guest JTTC

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Guest JTTC

Hi. None of my references or contacts have told me that they got called. I'm just curious about other applicants who got an interview. :eek

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Guest goodgye

Nope, none of mine have been checked either. Quite a few people i've spoken to haven't had their references checked. I'm sure they must verify some of them, but it makes me wonder how many people's references thay actually call.....

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Guest RoseSmurfette

I haven't had any of my references or verifiers tell me that I've been checked, but I also haven't talked to all of them recently so it's possible that they did check and I just don't know about it.

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Guest Persistent

One of my verifiers had been contacted via email on March 6th. I think they prefer emailing over other methods. But, I still believe it is a random check or a check upon reasonable concern. I hope mine was a random one and that I did not give them a reason for them to check!!

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Guest fezzik99

Not sure how good UBC at reference checking. One of my references received an email inquiry from them but it was address to someone else. They were trying to reach a Mark but sent the email to a Veronica (another reference). Veronica let me know about the problem and I correct the mistake but it doesn't give me much confidence in the checking system.....:\

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Guest nucleardove

Just to allay any stress, I was accepted last year, and *none* of my references OR verifiers were called (and I did ask them). No worries, mon. :)



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest tigerlily

I had several of my references checked this April, but possibly because there was a discrepancy between the hours I said I'd volunteered and what was officially recorded for one of my volunteer jobs. (Fortunately an easy explanation, as I simply hadn't formally recorded many of my hours). BUT I think that may have been why several more of my references were contacted. After that I phoned around to all my references and gave them the head's up that they might be called. Someone from admissions even wanted the phone number for one of my contacts in Africa when his email bounced! Try as I might, I couldn't get through and eventually gave them a reference for an Aussie nurse I'd worked with there, cuz she could verify my info, but the still wrote back and said they'd prefer to contact my reference. I'm just hoping that won't reflect negatively or anything. I mean... it IS a third world country, where phone connections often take hours to go through and the internet is about as reliable as the government... but I'm still stressing about it! LOL. I *know* I shouldn't... but let's face it, we're all going to be anxious about this stuff cuz it's THAT important to us, right?

Oh well. Here's hoping for Monday!


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