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First one in? ... but last to graduate.

Guest cause2003

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Guest cause2003

Hi everyone, I just found out this morning that I got into the MD/PhD program. I’m really excited and can’t wait to meet everyone this fall. I know how agonizing the wait is and hope they tell everyone soon.

- Cause

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Guest Burachan83

Congratulations! That's quite an accomplishment. My brother will be graduating from the UBC MD/PhD program in 2 weeks. I believe it took him 7 years. I'm just wondering how you were notified? By the online application system?

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Guest MKxox

Congrats Cause!!

It's quite an accomplishment. Best of luck to you.




Good luck on May 15 everyone else:b

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Guest Persistent

A BIG HEARTFELT CONGRATS TO CAUSE2003!! You should be very proud of yourself. We all hope to join you in August... But in reality roughly a third will. Nonetheless, enjoy the next few months!!! Party, Relax, take a load off!






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Guest cause2003

>how much research experience do you need to get into MD/PhD?


I think they look at a bunch of factors (essay, grades, motivation) in addition to research experience and potential. When I was at the MD/PhD applicant dinner it seemed like there was quite a range of backgrounds. Some were doing honours thesis projects, or had done research through co-op. Others were working on grad degrees at UBC already (like myself).


>Nonetheless, enjoy the next few months!!! Party, Relax, take a load off.


Sounds like a good idea.

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Guest GundamDX

probably a stupid question... but the MD/PhD spots are included in the 224 spots is that correct?


In that case for BC applicants it's not really 40%... since some spots are taken up as MD/PhD... :P

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Guest cause2003

Yes the MD/PhD spots are included in the 224 (there's only 2-3 of us every year) and you do have to get into the MD part on your own accord to be considered for the combined program. So I would say it’s still really ~40%.


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