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oversea volunteer organization based in Vancouver?

Guest smooth operater

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Guest smooth operater

Hello guys,


I have a 4 month off this summer, so I would like to travel somewhere oversea (perferlly somewhere exotic in South America). I am looking for Vancouver based organizations that would take undergrad student to volunteer (i.e building shelter, or assit ophrange) and have fun travelling at the same time. If you know any such organization exist in Vancouve, please let me know. THANKS!

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Guest MKxox


Maybe try SOS Children's Village. They're an international organization that have a Vancouver branch as well.

Good luck and have fun travelling,


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Guest potential md

I'm pretty sure Canadian Crossroads International sends volunteers to countries in Latin & South America for volunteering. Check them out. I was recently at an event where 2 people had been to Suriname volunteering with CCI, one was helping orphanges, the other helping local youth get an AIDS awareness radio program started.

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