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Verification Checks

Guest Paulchemguy

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last year, they continued to check even in April. So... i don't think they're done checking yet (provided that there're no major changes with the admission process).


Good luck with the interview everyone.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Persistent

No, not all are contacted. In general, just a random spot check...unless the interviewers made a special note for something to be verified.

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Guest Lurkergonepublic

I had a verifier contacted just recently. They seem rather pre-occupied about the way I entered some of my volunteer work. When you're just trying to summarize the fact that you do a whole lot of one time 'helping out with things' without collecting reference names and numbers everytime, it sure is hard to fit your life into the neat little boxes on that application form. It's perfetly designed to match the people who sign up for X number of hours a week at Y charity to 'make my app look good,' rather than people that just tend to be helpful wherever they go and with whatever is needed. Sigh, I guess that's just the game you gotta play to get in.

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Guest leviathan

Sorry to hear your troubles, Lurker. :(


I'm sorta in the same boat with my volunteer work. Thankfully for them, I can record every minute I spend doing work for them in all the various ways that I do help that usually would go unnoticed.

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Guest Maple21

I just had a verifier checked - he sent me an email to let me know that they were checking with him about hours. I had done way more hours then i counted on the app, since its a group of activities with an organization i've been involved with forever, and would have done regardless of applications.

I know everyone says the verifier checks are random, but would they really go through the effort to check if people had really poor interviews?

just a thought

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Guest loud noises

Point taken, but I just thought I'd jump in with something on a related note, so as not to concern people in the other direction;) ...you can still be accepted into med school without anyone ever having done a verification check on your application.


Just thought I'd relieve some nerves because I know I get stressed out easily about all of this as well.:rollin

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Guest UBCstu

Yeah I was having the same thought as Maple21. Why else would they wait until after interviews to do the checks?Otherwise they shoulld have been checking since January.

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Guest AnxiousBoy

Here's another food for thought. Two years ago, the adcom contacted me a week before the interview notifications were going out saying that my MCAT score was missing and that I had to fax one in right away. My supervisors thought that this was a great sign because they believed that the adcom would not wait so long (over 3 months) to ask for a missing file if I didn't have a good shot in receiving an interview. Lone behold, I didn't get an interview and my score was over 8 points below the cut line :lol I hope this isn't the case this time around because I got contacted by adcom twice to provide alternate numbers to two of my activities so that they can verify the information within the last week.

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Guest GundamDX

hum... haven't heard from ANYONE (verifier/ referee) about getting a call from Med. I hope this doesn't mean anything. LOL :D Just got my reject letter from U of T today. Crazy stuff.

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Guest Paulchemguy

Well, GundamDX, maybe your verifier simply thinks the call from Med is routine and therefore he/she didnt let you know. So don't worry!

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Guest Lurkergonepublic

Last year, post-interview, I had a reference contacted by UofA, (who said he gave me a glowing recommendation), but got rejected. No one reported being contacted by UofC, but I ended up on their waitlist. I think it really is a random check of a few files pulled by the administration office. It's possible they have no clue what your chances currently are either when they check. Unless they are worried about something in particular, the adcom might not even know what's been checked and what hasn't. Keep in mind that the administrative people who make all the calls and collect all your info are not on the evaluation committee themselves.

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Guest canmic

I spoke with someone who runs a big volunteer program and she told me that she got dozens of verification calls starting in early january and running until about may or so. She said that for the most part they seemed random to her.

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Guest potential md

That's kind of a drag. I was getting my hopes up since one of my verifiers was contacted last week. I thought it meant that they hadn't chucked out my application yet. But now it seems that it just may be that the left hand may not know what the right hand is doing. How unfortunate. I guess we'll just have to wait til mid-may afterall.

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i'll settle it.


verification checks ARE random and are done throughout the application process (generally after the new year starts)


haha, so stop speculating what it means wrt your % chance of getting in.



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Guest canmic

It does mean they haven't chucked out your application yet..


if they had, you'd have gotten a call/email/etc saying that your application was incomplete or ineligible or whatever :)


Of course, they likely still have over twice as many applications (maybe 5-10 times as many for OOP) that they haven't 'chucked out' as they have positions...


I haven't heard of anyone getting a reference check after a rejection letter :) (they aren't THAT disorganized)

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