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Club Med

Guest TBell

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Guest goodgye

Just out of curiosity, what would drive one to want to apply to ALL of pharmacy, and dentistry and medicine??

I know they're all health care, but they're just so different...:eek

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Guest Lurkergonepublic
She wants Med, using Den as backup, and Pharm as backup for the backup


She should be sure to mention that in her pharmacy interviews. I'm sure they'd be thrilled to hear that.


My Dad once told me a story (not sure where he heard it or if it's just an 'academic legend') of someone who said in a med school interview that they really wanted to be a farmer, but incase that didn't work out, wanted a medical degree to fall back on. Aparently the guy didn't get in, so my Dad told me not to say that in my interview. Always good for some helpful advice, Dad is.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest UBCGuyFromAlberta

I am in my first year here at UBC and I haven't really seen any of that. I have only met maybe a half dozen people that admit that they are doing medicine.


Maybe I am hanging around in the wrong circles?!...



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Guest RoseSmurfette

Hi UBCGuy,


Actually, a lot of my science friends from first year wanted to go into research and not medicine...although that's changing as they've figured out that research involves a lot more politics and grunge work than they bargained for, lol. (I suppose that's true for medicine too - that there's a lot more paperwork, politics, and dealing with admin that doesn't appear in most pre-meds' dreams of saving people).



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Guest GundamDX

Nah, >90+ % of first year Science students will say they are interested in Medicine. Ok maybe 80% (a rumor I heard). The prof took a poll in my BIOL334 class (basic genetics) last year first term. Almost EVERYONE put up their hand when asked about interested in pursuing Medicine as a career.... :D :D :D

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Guest sudoku

maybe i'm not admitting to be in medicine 'cuz... i don't want to be a walking target for an assassin... 'cuz i took a spot from someone?? hehehe... j/k.


hm... oh yeah... my mom said i have to be nice too. :)



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Guest RoseSmurfette

Hey GundamX,


BIOL 334 isn't exactly a representative sample of science students. If you take a poll of students in MATH 223 (or PHYS 200), you'll probably get the majority of students wanting to pursue math and physics.




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Guest UBCGuyFromAlberta


Research is the response I get most often, well maybe after "I dunno?!..."

To be quite honest I don't really see the appeal of medicine when I think about it in a "logical" way (give me a second to explain). I mean you work all of the time, paper work, beaurocracy, late nights, early mornings, people complaining, look at "gross" stuff etc. Before I started understanding how competitive things were I thought that I was weird for wanting to be a doctor.

You have to wonder how many people try for medicine so that they can say they they are a "Dr./MD"?

Sorry that was a bit of a rant...


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To be quite honest I don't really see the appeal of medicine when I think about it in a "logical" way (give me a second to explain). I mean you work all of the time, paper work, beaurocracy, late nights, early mornings, people complaining, look at "gross" stuff etc. Before I started understanding how competitive things were I thought that I was weird for wanting to be a doctor.


You know what? There's some grain of truth to this. Which is why you need to think about how serious you are about medicine. It's literally a lifestyle change and a profession that resumes are huge amount of responsibility.


On the other hand, people get thru the hardships of medicine. And if you love what you do, your work won't seem like a chore.

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Guest Ollie
Nah, >90+ % of first year Science students will say they are interested in Medicine. Ok maybe 80% (a rumor I heard). The prof took a poll in my BIOL334 class (basic genetics) last year first term. Almost EVERYONE put up their hand when asked about interested in pursuing Medicine as a career....


That's funny, when I took that class ~6 years ago he did the same thing! Was it Dr. Berezowsky? And like 75% of the class raised their hands!

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Guest GundamDX

LOL yeah the BIOL334 class probably isn't a good representation of the GENERAL Science student population! When you're in life science you tend to think ALL students are in life sciences :) Mathematics and Astronomy are also part of the Faculty of Science...good point lol


Ollie it wasn't Craig, it was Tom Grigliatti who asked that question... lol then he went on and talked about how he wants to make us competitive through 334... and how he got like 20 applications from people that want to do summer research at his lab (just to show up how big his lab is?) ... LOL


I also agree with Paulchemguy, as people get into senior years they change their minds about medicine, as they find out the work involved to get in, the work involved once you get in, and the work involved after you graduate :)

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