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International opportunities

Guest PD84

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Hey all,


I was wondering whether there are opportunities for UBC med students to volunteer abroad etc. Does UBC offer much experience in the way of international health if you're up for it? I know some Queens med students that are going to Kenya and India this summer, so just wondering if the UBC meds are planning similar trips.


Thanks in advance :)

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Guest canstowski

There are definitely resources offered by UBC med students who went on previous trips. There is a club run by med students called M.O.R.E. and each year they have a huge conference on international health where they have speakers and students sharing their past trip experiences. They are in the midst of establish some sort of international contacts database for students interested in going overseas.


In reality tho, i find that u really have to search for your own contacts and preceptors who are willing to take you on a medical trip overseas. UBC Med itself doesn't plan any yearly trips for students to go to.

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