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Reference letters status

Guest wAcKo

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Guest wAcKo



I know that my reference letters should have arrived at ubc. Yet when i checked, it wasn't there. Anyone else have the same problem? debating between reacting with an :eek or a >:

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Guest Brucybkidcapri

Yeah,, I wouldnt worry about it. My reference letters haven' t shown up either----yet. I called the admissions office and they told me that they would be updating the online checklist on March 10th (it would take a few days, so expect them sometime between march 10th and march 15th).....


Don't need to stress yet!!

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Guest wAcKo

Thanks! (I was sort of expecting this... being a ubc student has taught me to be v. patient with admin..) but its nice to know that i'm not the only one!


merci again!:D

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Guest hpylori

When I emailed adcom just now, this was the autoreply I received:


This is an autoreply message:


Thank you for your email.


Please be advised that the Admissions Office is currently acknowledging receipt of reference letters on your online application form. We will not be able to respond to your inquiries at this time. We will contact applicants with missing documentation after March 15th. Thank you for your patience.


All other inquiries will be responded to within 3-5 business days.



Admissions Office


Needless to say, they are still working on it (I'm thinking that if your ref letter was submitted thursday or friday, then probably haven't gotten around to it yet) and if you still are missing something, they will tell you about it. (ie: you probably won't be penalized for it since they will tell you about it if anything's missing...)

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Guest shetland23

dear parii,


My friend's reference was late last year and it was not a problem (he got an offer)... they understand. or they might still be in the process of sorting it out. Maybe send an email just in case stating that your referee did send it out.



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Guest Parii

thank you Shetland23!


It is assuring to know that. I did send an email to the Adm. Office. The letter still shows as not received; but, I won't worry about it now.


take care and thank you for the "xx" :P



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You guys can chill out, no worries.

They were missing one of mine, and they e-mailed me about it yesterday so that i could take appropriate action.....

So if they don't e-mail u, it's fine....otherwise, they WILL e-mail to follow up.

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Guest sensodyne

well...the way they worded the email, it sounded like they were going to close my file. I'm pretty sure they do this just to scare the heck out of people.


"...Our stated policy is that if reference forms are not received by the deadline of noon PST on March 10th, an applicant’s file will be considered incomplete and will be closed. However, after discussion of your case with the Admissions Manager, we have decided that the late reference will be accepted and that your file will continue on in the process for entry in 2006."

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Guest firesawyer


Did you have any special circumstances with the fact that your reference wasn't able to submit your letter on time? The reply seems to state that your case was unique?? Either way, seeing that email about closing my file would have left me feeling a wee bit anxious to say the least! Waiting for references to submit letters is very stressful for me during the application process as it is completely out of my hands! Congrats on working it out!

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Guest sensodyne

well..i'm not sure. my other 2 references were submitted on time and I did contact my 3rd referee today. I trust her 100% and she told me that the letter should have arrived there at the latest Friday. But they told me it was several days late.


My intuition is that they cut me some slack b/c like you said, it's out of our hands. But I wouldn't want to be the applicant who had all of his/her references arrive late.

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Guest Parii

Hi kalenakai,


no the status of the letter is still "not received" and I didn't get any emails from the office. I called my referee and she said she dropped the letter herself last Friday (10th). I am still hoping it will be updated shortly??


thank you, plari

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Guest Tyler

Last year one of my referees sent theirs a month in advance but Admin lost it (xpressspost said it had arrived) - and he had to send another the day before it was due, and they also had troubles with finding my other one - needless to say my referees were really upset with admin - so they do lose things - that's why I always make sure i get them to send by express so its guarenteed - but even then you need to hound them.

I hope it shows up for you!


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Guest Parii



thank you for the suggestion. I called several times today and couldn't reach anyone. I left a message. If I don't reach anyone tomorrow, I will go to the office myself. I am now getting a bit worried...


take care,



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Guest MKxox

I would also suggest that you go to the office asap and figure it out. They don't usually return phone calls and their lines are always busy.

Hope it gets sorted out soon

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