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UBC Med school final weighting for selection

Guest shetland23

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Guest shetland23


This is my first time posting. I was hoping if anyone knows the weighting for UBC for interviews, GPA, MCAT, referee letters, for their final selection. I would appreciate it.

Thank you,


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Guest canmic

Not 100% sure about this year, but last year it was:


50% interview

25% GPA (I believe 15% overall and 10% last 60 credits)

25% non-academic (volunteering, experience, etc etc )


Interviewers also gave a score out of 10 for overall recommendation and from what I saw you needed a 9 or 10 on this one for it not to count against you.


MCAT, referee letters, pre-req average were only used in cases of 'tie' for the last couple of spots using the above weighting, AND to exclude people who otherwise had high enough scores to get in.


(ie: if you scored high enough on the initial score but got 4s on your MCATs or a negative comment on a reference letter they could reject you anyway)

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Guest GundamDX

what exactly do you mean by getting a 9 or 10 to "not let it count against you" ? (re: interview recommendation score)



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Guest Parii

hi there,


I think what he/she means (and also what I think may be true) is that you should have a 9/10 or 10/10 for your recommendation score in order to be 'seriously' considered. A score of smaller or equal to 8 will not do you any great favour.



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Guest GundamDX

ok... then how much weight will this score carry? If it's a 50/25/25 split between other categories, which score will be looked at first? the overall /100 or the /10? or is the /10 looked at as the initial screen? ie. even if you have 92/100, if your rec. score is 8/10, you won't be considered; or is it used as a tiebreaker?


lol questions questions questions :P

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Guest canmic

if you have 92/100 and an 8/10 you might get in, but if you have 92/100 and a 5/10 you probably won't get in...


on the other hand, if you have 77/100 and a 10/10 you'll get in before someone else with 77/100 and a 8/10 (if everything else like MCAT is also the same).


I'm just using made-up numbers, so don't read anything into the 92/100 or 77/100...


Realize that the scores on 100 are pretty tightly grouped, for example, you need roughly a 36/50 to even get an interview and the interviews are 'averaged out' so that each interviewer group's average score is the same, so in the end, you have about 550 applicants with scores out of 100 in about a 25 point range, so even if it was random (and it isn't) you'd have more than 20 people with each score...


so, how do they decide between the 20 people who all have the same score when there's only 2 spots left?


Also, as said previously, particularly bad scores will take you out of the running even if you otherwise might have gotten in.

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Guest shetland23

Thank you all for replying and clarifying the breakdown of scores. I didnt realise how much the interview was worth and now wishing I prepared my answers. But I am hoping this 'recomendation score' will get me in! Good luck for everyone applying. J

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Guest Preop

I think he means the whole 9/10 10/10 thing. So did admissions tell you that if you don't have these scores are you screwed. Am i right dho?

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Guest Melisende

i have also heard about the 9/10 and 10/10 score thing for ubc med school. i heard about it from someone who is currently in first year at ubc. basically from what i heard is that if you have a 9/10 or 10/10, your chances of acceptance are high. if you have a 8/10, you would be borderline, and anything below 8, it would be very difficult to get in.

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Guest csp0304

Wow. I didn't know the recommendation score can play such a big role in the admissions process. It's a bit scary considering that the score can be subjective and one applicant can go from 'high chances' to 'borderline' pretty easily.

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Guest Paulchemguy

Wow i just have the feeling that getting a high recommendation might be the determining factor now, since your recommendation score can only be 9/10 or 10/10.....and nothing below....

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Guest goodgye

Does anyone know if you are given an interview score (one out of 25, one out of 10) from all three interviewers? or do they average the three scores?? or do they talk about your interview and agree on a common score for the applicant? (or any other possible way they may do it)???

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Guest Tyler

They talk about it and agree on a score out of 10. I went through it last year and didn't do so great, but this year was better, and I'm hoping I sparked their interest.

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Guest kalenakai

The recomendation scrore thing... sounds subjective and based on how much they liked you. I feel cheated. I was last to interview that day and they looked tired. Meh. Well, referee forms are due today and I am praying all mine got receieved. It really sucks how they wont let me call in to check. Good luck everyone.

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Guest Tyler


I don't know a Bran - what a unique name. I was a Uvic student - come from Tsawwassen, im in victoria now and Im in school to be a teacher - but hopefully I wont have to use my skills and Ill be accepted. Im part of that low academic (high 70's overall, low 70 pre-req, mid 80's last 60) and high EC's catagory, just hoping they liked my interview.



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Guest canuck1

I agree that the score out of ten is very important. I was rejected post interview last year and one of the final file review comments was: Panel Recommendation Score. My score was 7 out of 10.




I know what you mean about having the last interview of the day. My panel seemed like they couldn't wait to get out of there...

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Guest Parii

Hi there,


I have a procedural question about how the panel does the scoring: do they sit for a few minutes right after your interview and decide on what they think your score should be? Or do the do their scoring first at the end of the day? I have realized that they come and pick you up from the waiting area right after they say are done with the previous person. So, when do they do their scoring? Are they under some kind of time pressure when they score each applicant?

I am more curious than anything else.


thank you,



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Guest Paulchemguy

After I finsihed my interview, I chatted for a while with other applicants for ~10mins. As I was leaving, saw one of my interviewers heading out to get coffee.... he's out in 10mins after my interview! if they gave a score right after interview, they sure were fast.... either I did very poorly, or just superb, which just isn't likely lol

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