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Life's a novel

Guest TBell

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Guest TBell

Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like their life is a novel and you have just reached a really exciting part and you want to jump ahead and find out what happens next but you can't because that would ruin the ending! :P

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Guest sensodyne

nah...it wouldn't ruin the ending. I always read the end of the book and throw it away. :rollin just like my textbooks. :eek


jeez, I think I'm going to have to find another hobbie that's going to keep me busy for the next 2 and a half months.

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Guest happy2bme

Actually, I would describe my life currently as more of a comic strip, including every so often I get a pie in the face!


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Guest GundamDX

I don't mind reading the 10 or 15 chapters b4 the ending... since I got full course load. But I would HATE to re-read the MCAT chapter. Fpr some reasons it was extremely LONG and stressful.

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Guest TheEleventhFinger

I completely agree! MCAT was such a pain...didn't even enjoy the summer much! and after that LONG day, i had neck+upper back pain for a week! hahah....blame the tension and bad posture

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