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Post Interview file review

Guest Maple21

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Guest Maple21

So, i just wanted to verify/make sure i have this straight. After the interview, the admissions committee will take into account AQ, NAQ, mcat, interview all together to make a decision? I know we get a score from the interview for how much the committee recomends us (10 as the highest).

Also, does our autobiographical sketch get scored as part of NAQ, or is it evaluated after the interview? I know it is used by the panel for background info, but does it go into the final equation at all? Any info would be great. I know all this really doesn't matter since it can't be changed, aside from an awesome interview, but just wondering. Thanks

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there,


In previous years the autobiographical sketch was used to form part of the score of the non-academic section of the applicant file.




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Guest Paulchemguy

Someone told me this year the NAQ score is based soley (or mostly) on the essay.... I'm not sure if that's true though, that person said she went to information session....

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Guest Persistent

Hey there,


The NAQ is based on the Non-Ac list of entries PLUS the Authobiographical Sketch. Then both these items are given to the interviewers to read the night before our interviews. They give us an interview score (which is normalized) PLUS a recommendation score. So there will be two scores for your interview. The interview score consists of how well you did in each of the 5 sections of the interview. The recommendation score is sort of their overall consensus score of how much they recommend you. Post interview they will look at EVERYTHING!!!! This includes your AQ+NAQ+Interview score+Recommendation Score+MCAT+References. Note: the references dont get a score... they are only used to work against you if that applies. What I mean is that if one of your references say something "bad" or something that questions your honesty then the reference will cause your file to be "red flagged". Otherwise the reference won't affect you all that too much. So Post interview, your essay only counts to the sense that your NAQ score will still be there for them to look at.


Hope all that helps. If you're wondering what my credibility is... I'm a 3rd time applicant and I've been to all the info sessions PLUS feedback sessions PLUS an extra feedback session I personally set up with the Admissions Manager.


Good luck everyone! I'm getting nervous already!!! I have two weeks exactly till that dreadful day that makes me or breaks me! ;)

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there,


The interview commonly consists of 5 areas of questions from which the interviewers choose questions to ask you. These 5 areas represent general question categories containing (from what I could gather) 10-20 questions each, with a common theme. During my interview, each interviewer had the pages of the question sets in front of them. They had each highlighted which questions they wished to ask me. At certain points they would agree to proceed to the next section of questions.




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Guest potential md

Thanks you two for the info on the interview format! Any chance you know what 5 categories the questions fall into?


:> I figured it can't hurt to push my luck.

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi again,


I don't know the titles of the 5 categories, but once you are in the interview, it's pretty clear which questions fall into which categories. (Sorry, I don't think I'm allowed to elaborate based on UBC's interview confidentiality policy.)




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Thanks for all the info. I am very nervous as this is my first interview ever... but I hope I manage somehow :)


Considering you have interviewed a few times, do you have any tips...???




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Guest Kirsteen

Hi again,


A few tips:


1) Know your application well, i.e., why you said what you said in your essay, etc.

2) Know why you want to be a doctor.

3) Try to relax, and be your confident self so that you can best demonstrate to the interview panel how good you are when not under stress, i.e., don't let the stress of the interview get in the way of good performance.




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hey Kirsteen,


Thanks so much for the tips. I see how knowing your application is very important, and I realize it's a little harder than I thought to know exactly why I said everything I did. I will definitely have to put some thought into it now. As for staying relaxed and confident, I will try to do my best. I hope the interview panel tries to carry on a conversation more than simply interrogate..hehe :)



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yep, knowing your application is vital.


think of it this way. why did you enter what you entered in your application in the first place? look at it from the panel's perspective.


If i interviewed someone, i'd want to know why they did X and what they learn from such an experience. it's totally fair game.


u know, if you feel that you didnt get the chance to emphasize a certain component of your application, you always have the end of the interview to add more details!


when i prepared, i got to a point where i actually (seriously) knew myself. harder than it sounds for some!


Cya all in a couple of weeks!



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